Happy Birthday [Captain Allen]

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| Captain Allen x Male Reader

↳ This one is also specifically for me.

Summary || Captain Allen adds a new photo to his desk, but his co-workers can't help but notice it's of another man and two cats. On David's birthday, they invite a special guest.

TWs: Swearing

CAPTAIN ALLEN WAS a very private person. He didn't enjoy telling everyone how his weekend was, he never brought up his home life, and he never brought up anything to do with relationships. Most just assumed he was too busy with work to even think of engaging in a relationship.

The one thing he did bring up was his pets. He was always complaining about how cat hair got all over his clothes.

"You have cats?" Bryce, an officer, asked.

"Two of them, they're shitheads, but I'm obligated to love em'." He answered, not caring to look up.

"What do they look like, what breeds?" Bryce continued; he was eager to learn anything about the Captain. He was very work-oriented, except when he wasn't on shift. The most people could figure out was he lived in an apartment, had two cats, wasn't much of a drinker, and never showed any interest in anyone.

Several girls had tried and failed at getting with the Captain. He was so standoffish and cold that it was hard to crack his shell.

That was until someone had taken notice of a shiny new picture frame on his desk. There wasn't too much going on in the picture. It was of a man laying on a couch with a sherpa blanket draped across him reading a book. Curled up at his sides were the two cats that his co-workers knew were the Captain's cats. Captain Allen may not be a bragger, but he loved showing off his cats. To his credit, they were adorable.

"Captain Allen, may I ask you a personal question?" Lilith, an officer he had grown tolerable of, asked.

"Ask away." David kept his focus on the reports in front of him. He was sitting at his desk filing through papers.

"Who's that man on your desk?" You could tell just from her saccharine voice that something was off.

"My boyfriend." Captain Allen was known for being blunt, but even this caught Lilith off guard.

"I'm sorry, what?" No one would've seen this coming. Everyone thought the Captain was straight. They had tried to set him up with girls for months. It explained more than Lilith would like to admit.

"Y/N, my boyfriend." He dragged on, visibly annoyed at this point.

"Woah, did I hear that right?" Bryce walked in with a surprised expression.

"I swear if you ask about my relationship status, I am throwing you to the dogs." Captain Allen was rubbing his temple. A habit he did whenever he was exasperated.

"Okay, okay, jeez!" Bryce held his hands up. Then he sat and wondered.

"I know you said not to ask, but what's he like?" Bryce listened intently. Captain Allen inhaled through his nose, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Quiet but high-spirited." He was careful in picking his words. The Captain knew if he started gushing about his boyfriend, he would never hear the end of it.

The SWAT department was eerily quiet. It was as if everyone was listening.

"So when do we get to meet the lucky guy?" Bryce nudged. David shook his head with a sigh.

"Never, I don't plan on introducing him." And that was the end of that. That was until his birthday party in the SWAT department.

It was an overcast day, and David thought this year he was safe from the ridiculous parties his team liked to hold. He was wrong. As soon as he stepped in a chorus of "Happy Birthday Captain!"'s overwhelmed him.

"You do this bullshit every year. What makes it so special this time?" The SWAT department liked to have a special surprise for everyone's birthday. Be it a gift, a visit from their family, a trip to the bar, or even a cake.

"Oh, you'll see. I think you'll like it too!" Lilith hollered with a sly grin.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Not yet. It was something big, whatever it was.

By the coffee machine, there was murmuring from some of the officers. It was something about a call. Captain Allen paid no mind to it. He figured he'd let the surprise be, well, a surprise.

He heard some people introducing themselves, and he knew something was up. Looking up, he saw none other than Y/N, his boyfriend, talking with his officers.

"Oh, for fucks sake." He mumbled and stood up to greet him.

It looked like Y/N was having a swell time conversing. His eyes locked with David's, and a small grin adorned his face in reply.

"David! I thought I'd come to visit you at work." It was evident from his wording that he knew this was something that would bother David. Captain Allen took a sharp inhale and glared at Y/N. Then he chuckled, breaking out from his hard-ass character.

"It's nice to see you too."

|| Word Count: 856

SACCHARINE SWEET ❁ d:bh x male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now