Asshole [Agent Perkins]

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|| Agent Perkins x Male Reader

↳ Another ancient request by an anon.

Summary || Agent Perkins gets into a heated argument with his boyfriend, only to end up just as heated as before.

AGENT PERKINS IS an efficient man. There's no denying that when assigned a case, he doesn't quit until resolved. No one would ever admit to enjoying his company, as he was rather insufferable. Agent Perkins was hard to be around. Although hated readily by everyone he worked with, there was still one man willing to love him without hesitation.

Y/N L/N was like no other. Much like Perkins, he was efficient and hard-working. Unlike the icy special agent, L/N had a kinder temperament. Teamwork was a necessity when in the homicide department. Perkins didn't have to worry about that. He was able to work on the FBI's most sensitive cases with no help needed.

Even though they were opposites in nature, they clicked. Together they made a powerful couple. Both were strong in the workplace with a firey passion, but both were subdued when alone. Though the odds were unlikely, they found each other.

The day was like any other, standard work for both men. Most of the day, Y/N filed away documents; he wasn't particularly active at the crime scene. Y/N worked in the shadows, reviewing data and evidence gathered. He sleuthed papers upon papers every hour he spent in the office. Finally, after hours of work, he found something no one else had spotted.

"Hey, Connor!" He called over to his colleague, a deviant android. Perkins used to have an incredible bias against androids, but it had been years after the revolution, and he came to terms with his issues.

"Yes, Y/N?" He replied with an upbeat grin. Connor was always a pleasure when working.

"Has anyone taken note of this?" Y/N gestured to his computer. Connor wandered over to check out his screen. His eyes glazed over the words but stopped after reading briefly and let out a short hum.

"I don't believe so, but that is something we should note in the case file," Connor confirmed what Y/N was thinking. "Thanks for pointing that out, Y/N."

The sound of someone coming into the office alerted them that they had company. Looking up, Agent Perkins was on his way to Captain Fowler's office. He had a ruffled look as if he was stressed.

He stormed into Captain Fowler's office, the door slamming behind him. Connor and Y/N were stunned by Perkins's actions but not surprised.

"He seems upset, doesn't he?" Connor mumbled. "I suppose so. I wonder what's bothering him..." Y/N trailed off towards the end, looking up with a wondering stare.

Connor and Y/N sat reviewing information together when Richard left Fowler's office. He was red in the face and huffing down the hall into the break room.

"I should see what's up," Y/N stammered. Connor gave a short nod, agreeing with Y/N. "Good luck, L/N."

Y/N carefully walked over to the break room, where he saw Agent Perkins struggling with the coffee machine. Richard glimpsed briefly towards him approaching, still disregarding him.

"Hey, honey, what's up?" Y/N spoke softly to try and calm his agitated boyfriend. An annoyed groan spilled from Perkins. He begrudgingly turned to face Y/N, his waist pressed against the counter and his arms crossed.

"I don't think I need to disclose shit to you." He hissed at Y/N. Y/N's brow raised in alarm. Although Richard can be difficult, he usually wasn't so harsh right off the bat.

"Woah there, babe, it's alright. No need to be so standoffish." Y/N assured, offering his kindness even in the face of death. Perkins scowled and turned away. He brought his attention back to the coffee machine.

"Your department's machine is fucking stupid." Richard cursed at the machine. Y/N hummed in slight amusement. He was relieved that it wasn't something serious that was the cause of his wrath.

"I can help you if you'd let me." He offered. Richard turned his head back around to Y/N with a grimace on his face. He scowled, crossing his arms once again.

"You seriously think I'm that incompetent that I can't figure out a fucking coffee machine?" He spat with distaste. Y/N sighed, knowing there wasn't an easy way to get his boyfriend out of such a funk.

"I don't think that of you." Y/N tried his best to prove his love at the moment. If he could remind Richard that he is not his enemy, some sense might hit him.

"Yeah, you do. You're looking at me like I'm stupid. You know damn well I'm not a damn idiot, Y/N." He snapped at his boyfriend. He was tired of Y/N trying so hard to be careful. Y/N took a deep breath.

"You're not stupid, but right now, you're kind of fucking acting like it with your shitty attitude." Y/N had finally had enough. It was rare that he couldn't settle his boyfriend's fury before his own came out.

"I fucking knew it, you liar! Do you think I'm stupid? Seriously?" Perkins had a disgusted glare. He looked like he was ready to fight. Y/N didn't want to fight, but he has his issues when it comes to arguments. The two stared each other down.

"Well, if you keep acting like a fucking fool, maybe that'll lead me to believe you are!" Y/N yelled at Richard. It wasn't often that anyone heard Y/N yell at anyone. Typically, he had good manners and even better conflict-resolution skills.

"You're such an asshole! Why'd you decide to come over here if you only intended on pissing me off more?" Richard shouted. Y/N huffed curtly and grabbed his stupid black tie.

They now faced each other, almost touching noses. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I love you, you fucking idiot." Y/N pulled Richard even closer, bringing him into a heated kiss. Perkins gave in and kissed back roughly. Richard grabbed Y/N by the waist, Perkins's chin pointed up to reach Y/N's lips.

It was a heated and excessive kiss, counting more so as making out. The two pulled each other as close as possible, swaying slightly in the break room together.

"Oh, what the fuck." Hank spoke from the doorway.

|| Word Count: 1,051

SACCHARINE SWEET ❁ d:bh x male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now