The Boys Will Play While Mommy's Away

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There are the following triggering themes included in this story: mentions of suicide; sexual descriptions and implied sexual acts; homosexual relationships; infidelity; drama and angst; murder/mystery-themed; profanity; and descriptions of stalking/undiagnosed mental illnesses.

"It's just for a couple days," Marcy stated.

James' book reading in the living room was interrupted by an abrupt phone call on the landline. He looked up and noted his mother, clad in a pretty polka-dot sun dress with red lipstick adorning her heart-shaped lips, her hair curly and wild, and sandals that showed off her nicely manicured and red painted toenails, talking on the phone.

"That's terrible," Marcy spoke into the phone, "uh huh," she went on, "okay I will be there. See you soon."

Marcy hung up the phone just as John was entering the living room.

"Who was that?" John asked, giving Marcy an affectionate peck on the cheek.

"That was my sister, Lucy. I guess Grandma Norma is sick. Got a touch of the cold and flu. All the siblings are getting together to help Grandma while she gets better. I'm leaving George in charge of the store while I'm gone," Marcy said as she began digging through her purse for her keys.

"James, honey, will you help John with things around the house? I know this isn't what you had in mind when you came home. I know you're wanting to relax since you're between terms at school, but I have to go help your aunts and uncles with Grandma Norma," Marcy continued.

"It's no problem, Ma. This will give me something to do," James replied.

James' heart began beating a little harder at the notion that he would essentially be left home alone (not counting the presence of Jason; he spends all of his time in his bedroom) with a man he is wildly attracted to but most definitely cannot have.

"Don't look so anxious, honey. It's just for a couple days," Marcy stated.

James looked up at his mother and regarded her concerned look. He shook his head.

"I'm fine, I promise," he assured.

Marcy smiled and approached her son, sitting down next to him on the couch and faced him. She took his hands into hers and smiled.

"I am proud of the man you're becoming. How did I get so lucky to have such a wonderful son?" Marcy lamented.

James smiled, but it faltered slightly when he glanced in John's direction and saw the older man trying to hide a grin. James' cheeks heated with embarrassment.

"Jeez, Ma! You don't have to get all mushy on me! You raised me to be like this, you know!" James exclaimed, looking away but unable to wipe the proud grin off his face.

"Okay, okay," Marcy conceded, pulling her hands away and standing up, "I'm going to go pack a bag. Is there anything we need that I can pick up when I come back in a few days?"

James looked at John, and John did the same. Both men shook their heads and then looked at Marcy.

"Men of few words, I see," she teased with a smile.

"Do you need help with anything while you pack?" James inquired.

"Oh, honey, I think I can manage. Oh, wait, actually, can you call the furniture store and make sure George remembered to do the books?" Marcy asked.

"Ma, you left him in charge. Let the man do his job without being micromanaged! I'm pretty sure that's part of the reason that Mark guy stole money from the store," James retorted.

Marcy's demeanor darkened at the mention of Mark.

"He was a very disturbed man that had no business in our store," Marcy stated, her voice low and deliberately controlled, "We almost lost the store because of him."

"Sorry, Ma. I didn't mean to upset you. I just don't think George needs babysat. He isn't Mark," James said, his head hung low, shameful that he put his mother in a negative mood and mentally scolding himself for even mentioning Mark.

"Come on, Love. Let's go pack," John said, attempting to diffuse the tension and negativity in the room.

Marcy looked up at John and smiled.

"Okay, Darling," she said, "but I'm not in the mood for anything other than actual packing. I don't know what's got into you, lately, but I can't keep up with you and your stamina," Marcy went on to say as she and John walked up the stairs.

James sighed, not wanting any mental images of John and his mother anywhere near his imagination.

Meanwhile, upstairs...

John was doing his best to control his breathing, and to conceal his raging hard on. Ever since James arrived, John has been in a perpetual state of arousal. He would manage to tame himself temporarily by fucking Marcy into the mattress at night before they went to bed, but it would seem that poor Marcy needed a break from his urges.

Not that John was panicking or anything.....

Just kidding! He was full on panicking and not thinking straight. He glanced over at Marcy, who was bent over and picking up some clothing that dropped out of her hands as she was stuffing a suitcase. He couldn't help himself from caressing her bubbly round ass.

John loved taking Marcy from behind. He loved that she would get so loud when he angled himself just so, so that he would pound into juuust the right spot that drove Marcy wild. Watching her ass obscenely clap back drove him wild.

It also made it easier for him to have... certain fantasies... without Marcy knowing.

John knew it was wrong to be thinking about another person while he was being intimate with Marcy, but he couldn't help himself. He had no idea what it was about James that he was so drawn to, but Heaven and Hell could never stop him from lusting after the younger man.

"John, I meant it when I said I wasn't in the mood," Marcy griped, sounding a tad bit annoyed.

She didn't even stop or look up at him.

"Sorry, Love, I just couldn't help myself. You have a beautiful backside," John confessed.

Marcy stood up straight at that and did her best to stifle the snort that she let loose. With a smile, she approached John and draped her arms behind his neck. John, in turn, pulled her closer by her hips.

"You're insatiable," Marcy rasped, lust clouding her vision and dripping from her voice.

"It's your fault for being so delicious," John replied, slowly leaning down for a kiss.

Marcy stifled a moan when John moved from her lips to her neck and went straight for the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

"Mmm, darling we gotta stop. I need to finish packing," Marcy said, breathing heavily and panting a bit.

John took a deep, calming breath, and willed his libido down as quickly as possible. In the process, he calmed his rising anger, as well. He should have known better, anyways. Marcy already said beforehand that she wasn't in the mood. It would be wrong of him to try to coerce her into something she doesn't want to do. He has no right to be angry.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone," John chuckled, then gave her ass a quick slap, eliciting a squeek from Marcy, before turning around and exiting the bedroom.

Before he began his trek to the study where he usually worked on his book, he took another deep breath and composed himself.

This was going to he a loong couple of days....

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