Chapter 3

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King Mark's POV:

I paced back and forth in front of my throne. Where IS he? I wondered. I slumped back down in my throne. I stroked my pink mustache nervously. Ten minutes later, the door opened and Duke Jack stepped in.

"Well?!" I sat up excitedly, "Have you delivered all the letters?"

"My lord, I have delivered all of the letters." Jack said, swaying back and forth on his feet, eyelids drooping.

"Excellent!" I beamed, "You may go and get some rest now, Duke Jack".

"Thank you, my king." Jack said, and stumbled out of the room. Prince Cry was ready to marry, and I was ready to move on and have grandchildren. Cryaotic will have to attend the ball and choose a maiden to be his bride. He will then become king and I will retire. Running the kingdom required a lot of commitment, almost like a game...

Pewds POV:

I was done with my chores, but the carriage will arrive in 10 minutes. I was sweaty and covered in dirt and soot. I also didn't have anything to wear. I knew it! I knew it! I thought to myself, a tear escaped down my cheek, Ken would never let me go with them. With all these chores, she knew I wouldn't finish.

"Pewds?" Ken opened the door, "The carriage is going to arrive soon, aren't you coming?"

"No, Stepmother, I'm not going." I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Aw what a shame. However, I always knew you weren't going to be able to go." she said with a smirk. I wanted to slap that smirk off her face, but instead I backed away and began running as fast as I could to the garden. I broke down on the marble bench by the fountain and let all my tears spill down my face. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I mentally scolded myself. How could I ever think that I could possibly be able to go?

"Stop crying, child. You will stain my dress." A feminine voice said. I immediately sat up and stared in wonder at the person who had materialized in front of me. She had bright, colorful hair and glasses on her face. She wore a shimmering blue dress with a pink satin ribbon wrapped around her bosom. "Who are you?" I hiccuped.

"I am your fairy godmother, Tyler Oakley. Now shut up so I can help you." she said. She pulled out her wand and shot it like a gun at a pumpkin. The pumpkin began shaking and growing until it grew into a carriage. She shot her wand again at Maya and Edgar, who had come outside to see who the intruder was. I stared in wonder as they changed into two sparkling horses. A few mice on the ground that were unfortunate enough to cross paths were turned into two coachmen.

"Yes, yes." Tyler tapped her chin, "Now, the final touch." Tyler looked over at me and flinched.

"You look like crap." she said and waved her wand at me. Immediately, the dirt vanished from my body and I felt my hair untangle. Then, I witnessed my dirty rags change into silky smooth satin. I closed my eyes and felt my dress shift around against my skin.

"Open your eyes, child, and look at my masterpiece!" Tyler said. I looked down and saw that I was wearing a beautiful blue and pink dress that shimmered and rippled when I moved. I was wearing plastic, see-through flip flops and a fuzzy pink scarf was wrapped around my neck. I reached up and touched my head, and there was a bow-tie on the side.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "This is amazing. Thank you, Godmother." Tyler nodded her head in approval.

"Yes, you look fabulous darling. Now, since I am a bitch and don't give full time rewards, the spell will wear off at the stroke of midnight." Tyler said, waving her wand dramatically.

"Thank you Godmother! It is more than I ever dreamed of!" I said. Tyler waved me off and disappeared with a poof, leaving behind the faint smell of pumpkin spice and carpet cleaner. I jumped into the carriage and drove away to the ball.

A Cinderella Story: A PewdieCry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now