Molly & mimi-lynne forces- episode 2

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Nate sharp:in this world,her world,life is strong,life is strong,one is all!
Shawn christmas:together,we can show the world what we can do,put our trust,standing united,after the fight!
Miku hatsune:i'll never give up on a fight that is never be given up quickly!
Amanda lee:so what colors do you see,in that soul inside of me now!
Rin kagamine:yet,i will not die or get beat up,i'll just Find my way home!
Sapphire:so what shape is every soul,i'll keep searching until i know,Forever!
Shayne ooyark:zutto!
Kirito:link start!
Batman:episode shadow,who is infinite star?!
Shadow the hedgehog:it was one month before the eggman group attacked molly,mimi-lynne,dylan gillis,jasmine muto,world lovers,social friends,batman and shang chi,a mysterious force,two of them to be exact are zero the jackal and infinite star!
Rouge the bat:Shadow,whereabouts about zero the jackal,and a new enemy,baby kira/infinite star!
Venom:we know!
Molly star:huh,vanessa dawn star,good!
Dementor:die here!
Draco malfoy:leave our daughter alone,her name is rachel hermione beatrix potter,you,You blimy no good sorcerer and snake and no good for nothing cockroach,expecto...Patronum!
Majin boo:i'll help you,expecto,expecto...Patronum!
Molly star:accio venom,accio Shadow the hedgehog!
Infinite star:as i suspected,Newt schmander,the master beast tamer,and Shadow the hedgehog,the ultimate lifeform!
Molly star:wrong,name,molly star,jeez,gender,girl,jeez!
Infinite star:and draco malfoy,harry potter's gay husband,your name,you must be draco potter,jeez!,i met you before,better challenge than a crabmeat!
Zero the jackal:if you ever come back,the eggman group will catch you!
Baby kira dawn star:name,baby kira,but!
Infinite:you may call me by my full name if you like,and full name,infinite star,all that is to be the remains of who you really are!
A couple of days ago
Infinite star:you killed my toddler friends,they are named amanda the adventurer,pennywise,poppy playtime and miku hagane,now,i'll end you three on that day!
Shadow the hedgehog:do not show your face around us ever again!
Baby kira:i give up my old self!
Infinite star:after that day,i swore vengeance on those who call me those words "weak,sad,fearful and pathetic",if one call me one of those words,they are dead!
Venom:you feel weak!
Infinite star:weak,weak,they called me a weakling,i'm not WEAK,die now (screams venom's name)!
Back to November 2nd before the eggman group takeover the world
Infinite star:i have become this monster,i...Was...Reborn!
Draco potter:dark lord,damn!
Announcer of quidditch cup:draco has caught the snitch,hufflepuff wins!
Infinite star:lord,lord,no,i'm a lady,jeez!,i...Was...Reborn!
Venom:it's all an illusion!
Vanessa dawn star:we can go if we want,how about japanese!
Symbiote:tasty,there's crabmeat Rangoon at asian pearl!
Vanessa dawn star:but not now!,symbiote,infestation!
Venom:we are looking for infinite star!
Infinite star:those heroes won't stand a chance against me now!
On one day in green hill,the eggman group launch the attack
Harry potter:draco,voldemort,melbu frahma,king oberon!
Shang chi:namor,ultron,sigma,lumine,loki,electro!
Molly star:sara B.,polly "bagura" dawn star,charli dawn star!
Batman:joker,penguin,riddler,mister freeze,bang strong,scarecrow,bluster!
Shadow the hedgehog:this is all my fault,i couldn't make it here in time!
Molly star:Our thanks or treat special,We are nice to sara B.!
Brookie cookie:wow,we can go on vacation,cool!
Molly star:🎼vacation's all i ever wanted,vacation's just a getaway,vacation's all i ever want to do!🎼,cool!,(burps),excuse me now!
Mimi-lynne:we like to go on vacation!
Daisy star:molly star,i can go too!
Sonic the hedgehog:we are going to miss our Flight,no more eggman group getting us again!
Sara B.:my 🎫 says so,now,share!
Shang chi:but no more tricks!
walking dead horde:brains! (groans)
Batman:zombie horde!
Luz "dipper" pines:zombies!
Harry potter:prepare to fight,incarnum inflamarae!
Sara B.:molly star,are we lesbians!
Molly star:sure!
Amanda lee:do you feel as it wander,underneath the pale and endless sky!
Nate sharp:our tears,they will fade as they hide in the bush that is astray!
Caleb hayes:we will feel that they have lied to us,but they will tell the truth soon!
SiD:soo kari,aru ki tatsu!
Batman:next time,hannah & the baby,Molly star & mimi-lynne meets the new baby sister named kannah!

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