chapter one // thicket

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Leaves crunch as the fog in front of me grows thicker each moment.

A distant noise was coming from the direction behind me, and the eerie air with a sickening smell nearby makes me start to gag.

Finally, I reached a small space of the undergrowth, where it's just grass. I can rest for a while.

It was quite idiotic of me to go out at this mysterious thicket at night, Surely a person would have more common sense in them.

I still haven't found the squirrel that took a few of my belongings, but I think it will be best if I don't go looking for it once again.

I reached into my bag to get something to drink,

but only in disappointment, as I remembered that the water was used to clean up my wound.

As I looked through the grass plain field, I check once again if my phone has battery, which it doesn't.

I heard a footstep coming somewhere. Something was up.

I decided to keep moving, whatever is following me, I need to lose it. Just in case it's an animal that is starving.

But a question lingered in my mind, what if it's not an animal? I haven't seen any other animals but a squirrel. Although, Most of the other animals must be hiding.. Right?

I get up again, walking ahead. The sickening smell is still close, then, I trip over something. Or someone..

As I look down, almost letting out a shriek. The corpse was ripped, taken the bones off, then left with a ton of gore..

A wolf or such animal could not do this, I know for a fact.

Then, I noticed how the eyes were still left in the skull, it seemed like it stared back at me.. Even If I knew the person was dead.

I slightly shiver with this discovery, as I know I might be the next victim of this scene..

"It's time to get moving," I say in my mind where no one can read my thoughts. I pull my jacket lower to maybe provide a little bit more warmth.

The night wore on, I kept walking in the same direction. I wondered if I would ever find shelter for the dark evening..

I knew it was midnight now, the moon shined luminously, but the undergrowth mainly blocked out the light of the moon.

The fog was so dense.. Luckily, the further I walked, less of the undergrowth blocked the light in the area.

Eventually I could see a bit of what was ahead of me.

A silhouette was so close to me suddenly, Struck in confusion, since it appeared so suddenly, and there was not even a sound of someone else's footsteps.

Then it hit me- I remembered I could hear the footsteps, but I could only hear my own each time I walked. It must have been smart enough to find a way around, then go in front of me.

I stared, As I could not see what it was. It seemed like.. Another person.

Fear glued my legs to the ground.. I watched it without moving a muscle.

When I blinked, then, suddenly, it was gone. Was it merely just a figment of my imagination? It can't be, since I could even feel a slight breath in front of me, or was it just all in my head?

There were no footstep sounds, That was for sure. I guess it was all in my mind.

I started walking again, but I always looked back.

"It's better to be safe than sorry," I told myself in my brain. I knew if I said it out loud something might come after me.

Funny, When I was younger, I was less paranoid. I guess after seeing something right in front of you triggers the fear inside..

I don't believe in ghosts or spirits and such, but I do believe that there could be a logical reason for everything--

I always believe that people just made ghosts and monsters up for fun.

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