"Wait, let me take a picture of you two. You guys are so cute together!" The crazy lady shoves us closer together and makes us take at least ten photos. All throughout Hyein was making gagging noises. I mean me too, but why does she always have to embarrass me? We are finally walking out the door on the way to his car when he stops me.

"I have something to tell you before we go. Niki and Haerin are in the car." You've got to be kidding me. Us still going together was still a thing? Even after that whole debacle at the homecoming game. I mean I know he knows. He was there!

"You're fucking kidding me right?" If looks could kill he would be dead. There is no way in hell I'm going to be stuck in a car with them for twenty minutes.

"It's going to be okay! I talked to Niki and told him he had to apologize and that you would also apologize. Also you and Haerin seem to be good friends recently so I thought it was okay." Jake clearly is the dumbest person alive. The older boy just scratches the back of his head as he begins leading me to the car.

"There is no fucking way I am apologizing to him. If anything he should apologize to me and Haerin both. He is a prick, Jake I don't know why you are friends with him." I huff out as I am basically dragged to his car. I'm not apologizing, I won't do it.

"Look just for tonight don't make a fuss. He really likes Haerin and he wasn't able to ask her out because she left early last night. She is your friend too, don't you want her to be happy?" Yes I do, but not with him.

"Okay fine." Jake just smiles and bear hugs me, shaking me around a little bit. Jake isn't all bad, he was a good friend, it just got bad once we were dating. This reminds me of how it was before. He comes around the passenger side and opens the door for me letting me in and skips to the drivers side getting in himself.

"Lets goooooo!" Jake screams as he blares his loud obnoxious music and reverses out of my driveway. I haven't looked behind once. I know they are back there but I can't bring myself to look. Thank God Jake's music is loud that no one can have a real conversation that doesn't consist of yelling at each other. I can't wait for this night to be over.


We were almost at school when Jake finally turned down the music. Great now it's just awkwardly silent, or it was for a moment.

"You look very pretty tonight." I know it wasn't really meant for me to hear since Niki whispered it to Haerin, but it was still too loud for my liking. I oughta go back there and throw him out the window. If Haerin said something back I didn't hear it. Well at least my heart is already broken so it can't get any worse.

"We are here. Are you guys ready?" Jake asked as he put the car in park and turned to look at all of us. I just nodded at him and the two in the backseat just began rummaging around trying to get out of the car. Well let's get this shit over with. I got out of the car and made a beeline for the entrance of the gym.

"Woah wait up Minji!" Jake laughed as he grabbed my hand slowing me down. I look down at our hands that he intertwined and just let them be. Maybe I should get over Haerin. I turn around and see Niki and Haerin walking in with Niki's arm around Haerin's shoulder. Wow. She looks absolutely beautiful. She was wearing a pink dress that made her look like a princess. When I looked up at her face she was already looking at me. She gives me a small smile before turning her attention back to whatever Niki was telling her.

"Let's go." I dragged Jake into the gym so I could get as far away from her as I could. When we got in there I began looking for Hanni and Danielle. When I spotted them I just shooed Jake away telling him to get us drinks and made my way towards the two girls.

"Wow Minji, calm down there, don't have too much fun." Hanni deadpans and Danielle just smacks the back of head. God these two are too much. "Christ Dani, please leave my head alone for at least one night!" Danielle gives the shorter girl a big smile and wraps her arm and Hanni's shoulders and gives her a big squeeze.

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