Her again ?

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Next day
In jungkook's office

Jungkook : are you sure ?

Suga : yes i m sure

Jimin : that's a good news

Jhope : I was waiting for this (took his gun out )

Namjoon : it will be fun let's go

They all leave wearing all black clothes and mask on their face , they didn't leave from the main  entrance but from a secret room in jungkook's office room

In an abandoned building

GD : are you sure ? This deal is really important make a good decision

GD was making a weapon deal with some dealer but the price GD was asking didn't satisfy the dealer , they were having a discussion

Dealer : we should close this deal at 50 million

GD : okay then ( he stood up to shake hands)

Suddenly a gun shoot his men standing besides him , the man feel straight between the dealer and GD

GD : who the fuck wants to die ?

GD : who the fuck wants to die ?

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Jk : surprise!! motherfucker

GD : god damn , you people really like to poke your nose into my business

Jimin : like you do

GD : shut the fuck up , boys time for some killing , shoot

GD's guards starts to fire , so as bts does

GD's guards starts to get shoot one by one from a corner , bts main shooter was shooting from there

GD wasn't ready for this and unknowingly all his security got injured

Jungkook : why are you scared now ?

GD : why will I get scared ? I have something important with me

Jhope : really , you want us to believe you ?

GD : don't believe me your loss ( jungkook's gun was pointed at his head while jhope was holding GD at one place)

Jimin : what are you taking about what do you have ?

GD : look up
( They all look up except Jungkook)

Taehyung : Siya

Jungkook : what ?
( He also looks at that direction , she was hanging of the roof of 5th floor her mouth was covered with a cloth and she was unconscious , taking this as an advantage GD pushed jhope and picked his gun and pointed towards them )

GD : better luck next time bitches , i never come unprepared , I m not the one you should be afraid of usually someone close to you gives the biggest betrayal ( saying that he leaves )

Taehyung : let him go let's save siya first

They all were leaving for the 5th floor but Jungkook noticed someone's shadow as he was going to check who it was someone called his name

Namjoon : jungkook , what are you thinking ?

Jungkook : nothing , i thought there was someone

After taking unconscious Siya with them they all headed back to home

At home

Y/N was concerned because of something but she was more concerned about Namjoon telling her to call a doctor

All boys entered the house , she was checking all of them if they were all right but she was shocked to see Jungkook carrying Siya he directly took her to her room , Namjoon saw the doctor sitting in the hall he takes him and they all leave the hall , the doctor checked Siya , all of them were concerned if she was okay or not

Doctor : Nothing serious someone just gave her sleeping pills so she is unconscious , but she will wake up after some time

Jin : thankyou doctor, let me walk you outside

About 10 min later the doctor left siya came into her senses

Jungkook : Siya , look at me , are you okay ?

Siya : where am i ? Why are you all gathered like this ?

Namjoon : you were (someone intrupted him )

Jungkook : Y/N you wait outside , it's something between us
(Hearing this she was a little hurt but doesn't asks any questions because of how serious the situation is so she just nods and walk out of the room)

Namjoon : so what were you doing in the abandoned building ?

Siya : me ? I don't know , what I  remember is me laying on my bed Because I told you earlier that I was having a headache today so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat , then i came back to my room, Y/N bought me a glass of something I don't know she told me that my headache will be gone if I drink that so i thought she was being caring so I drank it after that I don't know I was feeling dizzy and i don't remember what happened after that

Jimin : you sure there was something in that drink ?

Siya : i m not saying that I just said that I was feeling dizzy after drinking it

Jungkook : I don't think she could do that , is there something you are missing

Siya : ooh yeah , while Y/N and i were having a argument Ms song told us to not go in the backyard because some electricians were coming to fix the problem of light that was in the backyard lights

Suga : wait , why did you two argued ?

Siya : actually when I went to kitchen Y/N was already there she made something for her so I asked her if she can share that but she said no , so i was just leaving the kitchen and accidentally that plate fell on the ground so she started to shout on me for that

Jimin : what ? Y/N shouted at you ?

Siya : so you think that i m lying?

Jimin : i m not saying that , but Y/N isn't a type of person who shouts at somebody for that little thing

Siya : if you don't believe me just ask Ms song then

Jungkook : Jimin don't , why would she lie , you take a rest we all are outside call us if you want something
(She nods )

They all walk towards the main hall where Y/N was sitting , seeing them coming she walks towards them , she was about to say something but was intrupted

Jungkook : did you really did that ?

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