Chapter 23

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Pov Hazel
It's the next day and I wake up by my alarm. I check my phone and it's 5:30 am. Fuck.

I groan and rub my eyes. I gotta get ready for that stupid wedding now. I get up and grab my phone from the charger.

I got a text from Matt.
Matty b❤️:
hey, ik ur asleep but I just wanted to tell you that you looked so cute last night. Jaden had to make me leave🙄🙄 I'm excited to see u tmrw, bcs ik you'll look so good❤️ I'll pick you up at 9 am!

I smile at the text and my stomach turns upside down. I'm so in love with this boy. What if he's not in love with me?

I throw my phone on my bed and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I look like I haven't slept in a year. I'm gonna need a good shower. Let me try to get a 2 hour glow up.


After a long shower I put my dress on. The dress fits perfectly and I love it. I thought it would be so short that I couldn't move without people seeing everything, but gladly its not like that.

I walk into my bathroom again and do my skincare and makeup.

Alright, I look better now.


After I curled my hair and grabbed everything I need for today, I walk downstairs.

"Goodmorning Jay." I say when I see my brother sitting on the kitchen island.

"Wow. You look beautiful." He smiles at me.

I smile. "Thank you. So do you." I place my heels and my bag on the kitchen island.

He's wearing a white blouse with beige pants under it. Madi is probably wearing something beige.

He smiles. "Thank you, Matt is gonna pass out when he sees you." He winks and chuckles.

I smile and lean against the island. "I love him." I say without thinking.

"What?" Jadens eyes widen.

"I. Love. Him." I say word by word.

"Wow." Jaden says. "You love Matt? The one who you used to hate?" He laughs.

"Don't laugh at me!" I hit him with my bag.

"No im kidding, I'm kidding. I mean, he loves you so what's stopping you?" He asks.

"He loves me?" I ask shocked. How can he love me?

"Isn't that obvious, he looks at you like your his whole world." He smiles.

"I want him to say it first." I walk to the counter and grab some icecream out of the fridge.

"Really Hazel? It's 8 am?"


The doorbell rings.

Jaden just left to pick up Madi and I'm sitting on the couch with my mom nervously waiting for Matt.

Mom gets up. "Let me open the door and you stand in the hallway. Alright?" We both walk to the hall and mom looks at me one more time with a cute smile.

I sigh deeply and mom opens the door. My mouth drops when I see Matt. So does Matts mouth.

He's wearing a black blouse with black pants and some beautiful roses in his hands.

He looks so good.

Matt walks towards me not taking his eyes of me.

"I'll leave y'all alone." Mom winks at me and leaves.

my brothers bestfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن