Chapter 14

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I got her some ibuprofen, Starbucks drinks and her favorite McDonald's food, McChicken.

After a knock, I slowly open the door seeing her peacefully sleeping. How cute.

I walk over and slowly sit besides her on the bed. While rubbing her cheek, she slowly wakes up and rubs her eyes.

"Hey, I got you some ibuprofen and a drink. And also a McChicken." I place the stuff on her bed.

"Thank you so much." She gets up a little.

"You still have cramps?" I ask and move some hair out of the way.

"No, not really anymore. But I think I'll get them again later so thank you." She gives me a hug.

"No problem, ketchup." I smirk.

"Don't call me that." She looks at me with a warning on her face.

"Okay, sorry ketchup." I laugh and she cant stay serious either.

She grabs her pillow and throws it at me. "That's what you deserve."


We lay down on her bed and were watching a movie. Gladly Hazel eats the McChicken.

"Matt!" I hear Kate coming upstairs.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Are you in here?" She knocks on Hazels door.

"Yup!" I answer and she opens the door.

Hazel pauses the movie and we both look at her mom.

Pov Hazel
"Your mom just called me and we talked for a while. She asked if you two wanna eat at her house, she misses Hazel very much." Mom smiles.

"Yeah! Should we do that Matt?" I look at Matt.

"If your okay with that then lets go!" He gets up a little.

"Yeah, yay! Im so excited!" I get off my bed and run into my closet. I need to change, its cold outside.

"Okay, have fun. Be home before the am's!" mom says and leaves the room.

I put on a white sweater with brown jeans and normal white airforces. I finish it up with some earrings and a necklace.


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"Were going on the motorcycle, if you don't mind." Matt winks and points at the motorcycle.

Of course I don't mind. In fact, I would love to.

He hands me his left-over helmet over and I put it on. "Ready to go?" He asks and puts his helmet on.

"More then ready." I smile and sit in the motorcycle.

"Lets go!" He starts the engine and leaves. I tighten my grip around his waist and let the wind blow thru my hair.

Whenever im on a motorcycle, I feel so satisfied. It feels like my impulsive thoughts blow away with the wind and I just feel empty. But in a good way. Empty, like all your thoughts leave and you finally have peace in your mind.

my brothers bestfriendUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum