"I can add more if you like," She says. 

It already tastes like heaven and I don't want to get drunk while I'm supposedly on a mission so I quickly decline. 

She leads me to the changing rooms and waits for me to change into the disposabble underwear and bathrobe provided. 

"Are there a lot of guests today?" I try to fish out some information whilst I pull my hair into a loose bun over my head. 

Lin nods enthusiastically. "Quite a few big names. The security detail here is very tight so we always get clientele of this calliber. Today we have a guest from Sweet Poison, you must know her."

I realise Lin is quite the talker and thank my lucky stars. She must be privy to a lot of secrets that go around in this place. 

"You must know her since you knew Dalia," She points out making me stare at her. Oh, so she knows who I am too.

"You're a fan of Sweet Poison?" I ask. 

"Yes, of course. I'm Dalia biased though. It's so tragic what happened to her." Her face falls when she says this but then she grimaces. "It must be more tragic for you of course, being close to her but as a fan I can say this is one of the worst years of my life." 

Her statement leads to a tense moment of silence so she quickly clears her throat. "Anyway you should feel right at home here with the other celebrities." 

"I haven't debuted yet. Technically not a celebrity." I don't know why but I feel the need to point that out. Maybe because she has been ogling me since we met. 

"But you're already famous so technically you are. I'm looking forward to your debut," Lin replies and then she leads me into the steam room. 

The air here is thick and smells heavily of lavender and some other infusion of oils I can't place. I see a few women sitting in a pool, most of them naked as they laugh frivolously  over mimosas. 

My eyes water as I try to focus on their faces through the steam laden air. I don't recognise any of them and Loona is no where to be seen. 

"Word of advise. Stay away from that group." Lin whispers to me. 

"Why?" I turn back to the group of women who look to be in their forties, despite their flawless shiny skin. 

One of them catches my stare and she immediately scowls. "Not another one." She says and then the rest turn my way. 

I quickly pretend not to notice and follow Lin to the mud room. 

"They're all wives of chaebol. All rich beyond imagination but miserable because their husbands are all cheating on them," Lin explains as she sets up the mud bath. "They don't like celebrities, particularly women." 


Lin snickers like I'd just asked the most obvious question. "Because their husband's mistresses are mostly idols and actresses." 

"But not all of us are," I frown. It's unfair that they would generalise like that. 

"I know, but it is what it is. One of their husbands has an idol mistress and suddenly every idol they meet are public enemy number one. It's dumb but these women hate seeing celebrities, particularly here. They believe this is their private space. One even wanted to pay us out to make this place exclusive to them but Blue Diamond never discriminates, especially since celebrities are our biggest clients." 

Lin helps me into the bath and it feels like I am sitting in molten chocolate, which is weird. 

I pretend to relax and take a huge sip of my drink. It's quite strong and I feel it go right to my head. "Will I be seeing Loona?" 

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