"I need to go, but I will make it up to you when I get back, which will be in a week at most." He said, licking his lower lip. I was about to scold him when he suddenly cupped my face and gave me a big fat kiss on the lips before letting go. "That will last me for a while. Okay, I really need to get my ass to the airport. I love you, bye."

I didn't even contradict him because he was racing back to his car after he said that and left me speechless by my front door.

* * *

The rest of the week was filled with text messages and phone calls from Grayson at random times of the day. Time difference was a bitch. Our conversation keeps getting cut off for a million of reasons. Tokyo was seventeen hours ahead of California, so it was hard to keep talking to Grayson for a certain time.

"Good morning." I said, yawning as I moved around the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good evening." He replied, grinning.

We laughed in unison.

It was early in the morning, which isn't unusual for me to be up and already moving around and getting ready for my day. I dunk my black tea bag into a mug of hot water and wait for it to steep for a few minutes. For breakfast, I whipped up a quick fried rice since I had some leftover rice and my fridge needs a good clean out before I go grocery shopping.

"What time is it there?" I asked as I poured condensed milk into my tea and stirred it.

"Around midnight, so it's pretty late." He answered while making himself comfortable in his bed. "God, I will never understand how you can always wake up early."

I snickered. "Don't be jealous because I only have one alarm in the morning."

"I am not jealous. I'm not a big fan of sleep deprivation, that's all." He scoffed. "I think I was a koala in my past life, don't you think so? If I could, I would sleep all day. "

"Might as well drop dead and sleep for all eternity in peace." I half-shrugged.

"But you'll miss me when I'm gone." He faked a sad expression on his face.

"Hardly." I shortly answered, eating a spoonful of my food.

"You know what else is hard?" I can hear the teasing tone in his voice.

"Really, Grayson?!" I scowled at him. "In front of my damn food?"

"You're so dirty minded, Sunshine." He grinned mischievously. "I wasn't talking about that. There's a lot of other things that are hard."

"Oh, yeah?" I played along with his game, sarcastically smiling. "Like what for example?"

"Lots of stuff from rocks, your phone, almost everything is a hard solid thing." He said enthusiastically. "But yeah, kinda like my friend down there too when I think about you sometimes."

I let out a scream. "It is way too early for this!"

"So would you prefer to continue this later then?" He moved his eyebrows suggestively. "I can work with that. We could try phone se—"

"I'm done with this conversation, bye!" I ended the call before he could say a reply.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was half past seven.

Yep, still pretty early.

After I cleaned up my mess and the kitchen, I looked at my phone to see a message from Grayson sent a few minutes ago.

From: Grayson Martins

My offer still stands and doesn't have an expiry date btw ;)

To: Grayson Martins

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