Distract me

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*****Chapter 27 - Distract me*****

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Chapter 27 - Distract me

"This is the part where you tell me what's going on?" Ace pushed again.

Oakley still couldn't answer. Diego stepped up by her side.

"Evan saw someone come inside your house." There was no other way to say it.

"It wasn't one of the snakes or other guys." Evan replied. "Like an older guy."

Ace stared at them all blankly. "You're fucking joking right?"

The four shook their heads.

"We've just checked the house but it appears they left out the back." Ashton answered as he gestured to the open door behind him.

"Well who the fuck was it?!" Ace snapped.

"Evan didn't know the guy!" Diego fired back, sensing Ace's rising temper.

"Well-" Ace looked around. "Did they take anything?"

The four shrugged.

"Go check and tell us if anything's missing."

Ace nodded at Eyeball as his best friend quickly disappeared as was heard going up the stairs. Ace gave Oakley a small look before he went into the living room, leaving Tom standing there confused.

"Why would someone break into his house?!" Tom finally asked, just as confused as everyone else.

Usually it was Ace breaking into other people's houses, not the other way around.

"I didn't know who he was, I'm sorry." Evan replied with a shrug.

"It's not your fault." Diego placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Everything's still here." Ace replied as he came back in.

"Nothings gone." Eyeball added as his footsteps were heard and he returned to the kitchen.

Ace looked straight at Oakley, his expression showed nothing but pleading. He wanted her to give him answers. But she didn't have them.

"Hang on," Eyeball started as he pointed between Ace and Oakley. "When you first came here, you said you had bugged his house when you hadn't right?"

Oakley nodded.

"So what if someone's bugged it?" Eyeball asked, looking around.

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