Just friends

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*****Chapter 24 - Just friends*****

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Chapter 24 - Just friends

Jasper looked around blankly. "Sinners..." He whispered as he shook his head over and over.

"If it helps, there are seven of us?" One of the officers, clearly a big brother spoke up.

Jasper screamed loudly as his hands went to his head, the gun still in his hand as his eyes shut tightly.

"Don't think that helped..." another officer by his side mumbled.

"Wait, then which sin am I?" The firefighter who had driven asked as he leant his head out.

"Not the time!" Diego shouted back as his eyes remained on Jasper.

Slowly he took a few steps forward.

"Put the gun down Jasper, let's talk this out."

Jasper could only shake his head over and over as he quickly turned the gun on himself. Yet before anyone could react quick enough, the trigger had been pulled and he collapsed to the floor.

Instantly Diego went to run towards where Oakley was pinned down, yet he was surprised when he saw Ace reached her first, having climbed over the pews.

"Who's the dude?" The brother holding the camera asked.

Diego only shook his head. "Let's just start by calling your sister lust." He mumbled.

His eyes widened slightly as he nudged the reporter brother.

A handful of officers went to where Jasper's lifeless body lay as they began to clear up while the rest of Oakley's brother's surrounded Diego, their eyes trained on their sister.

They watched as Ace pulled her chair up, cutting her free from the rope. Their eyes widened slightly as they saw their sister almost leap on Ace, her arms wrapping around his neck as his wrapped around her waist.

"Which one's gonna hit Ace first?" Billy asked Eyeball quietly as they all watched the brothers continue to stare.

"My moneys on one of the firemen." Tom answered quietly as he stepped closer to them.

Billy and Eyeball stared at him cautiously as he tied to force a smile.

"Nah I reckon it's gonna be the police captain." Vince spoke as he leant forward on Billy's shoulder.

"No way, that cameraman's ready to swing." One of Tom's friend's spoke as he slowly edged closer.

"Nah my bets on the reporter." Jack leant forward.

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