So close

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*****Chapter 25 - So close*****

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Chapter 25 - So close

"You sure you're okay?" Diego asked as he drove along, back towards Castle Rock.

Oakley nodded from her spot in the backseat, looking up at him in the rear view mirror. He gave her a small smile as he nodded.

Evan sat up front with him as the massive entourage drove back to the small town.

Oakley watched as she saw her brother's hand reach out between the two front seats. Diego placed his hand down as the pair interlocked fingers and gave each other a small smile.

She felt a small nudge by her side as she looked down to see Ace's leg nudging hers with his.

A small smile crept onto her face as she saw his hand slowly edge over to where hers was resting on her lap.

Comfortably she reached for it as their hands met and Ace's fingers slipped perfectly to sit between her own.

"Brilliant." Eyeball sighed from his spot on her other side. "Fucking third wheeling in a car with two fucking couples!"

The rest all laughed slightly as Oakley lifted her hand and gently brushed his cheek.

"You're still my lil poodle." She laughed out.

Eyeball groaned. "Why am I the fucking poodle?!"

"The curls obviously." Diego answered from up front. "And I've always wanted a poodle."

"Brilliant." Eyeball grumbled as he slumped in his seat slightly.

"Hey so you never said what sin I'd be." Evan piped up.

"Oh you're definitely lust." Oakley answered. "Especially with him." Her free hand gestured to Diego.

"Hey no you're lust!" Evan snapped back as he turned slightly to gesture between his baby sister and Ace.

"No way!" She fired back.

"Yes way!" He retaliated.

"I am not!" She moaned out.

"You bloody well are!" He fired back.

"They always like this?" Ace asked as he leant forward to Diego.

Diego only nodded. "Always."

Snakebite - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now