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*****Chapter 23 - Hell*****

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Chapter 23 - Hell

Oakley's eyes opened as she coughed and spluttered a handful of times. She automatically knew she was restrained, looking down she had been tied to a chair. Each leg tied down and her arms forcefully stuck to the chair arms, with a rope keeping her in place around her chest.

"Jasper?" She coughed out again.

Her head lifted as she tried to look around. It was dark, incredibly dark.

"Jasper?" She coughed once more. "Let's talk about this. Please."

Oakley coughed a few more times as she briefly struggled to wiggle her arms and legs, desperate to break free.

"You won't get out of them." A voice was heard.


Oakley's eyes forcibly shut as a few lights all came on. She attempted to adjust as she blinked multiple times and looked up.

Jasper stood over her. "I was a Boy Scout. You won't untie them."

"Jasper let's talk about this." She pleaded quietly. "I can get you out of this, just talk to me."

"Do you ever realise how many sins people commit a day?" He asked.

Oakley stared up at him blankly.

"Greed. Everyone always wants more. Anger. Everyone just gets so annoyed all the time." He began to walk around her in a circle.

"I see it all the time." He mumbled as he stopped behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders as she tried not to flinch.

"The cobras and that lot up on the View commit it more than anyone else I know. Especially Ace."

Oakley tried to keep her breathing steady as she felt Jasper's hands on her head, gently stroking her hair.

"He commits greed, always wanting more of anything. He commits wrath, fighting against everyone and everything." Jasper continued to mumble as he continued to stroke her hair.

"He commits sloth, by refusing to ever work a day in his lazy life. He commits pride, showing off his car and whatever poor girl he has ruined before marriage."

"He commits gluttony, taking everything he sees and wants. He commits envy, jealous of everything the people on the View have, Tom's precious parents."

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