Three bangs

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Should probably give you a proper introduction to Tom Jasons, the new 20 year old leader of the View Crew and younger brother to Luke Jasons, first victim.

Welcome Tom Jasons!

*****Chapter 8 - Three bangs*****

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Chapter 8 - Three bangs

As Oakley expected, Tom had nothing nice to say about their rivalry with the cobras.

"You said your brother hated Ace the most?" Oakley asked as Tom nodded in confirmation.

"They were always getting into it." Tom grumbled. "Especially after a race."

"Drag race?"

Tom nodded again. "The last one they had, my brother won and Ace slashed his tyres."

Oakley turned and looked at the glass, raising an eyebrow slightly, before looking back at Tom.

Ace found himself shrugging, he was proud of it.

"How did your brother react to that?"

"How'd you think?" Tom scoffed out. "They were fighting for ages, till Eyeball jumped in and then it really broke out."

"When was this?"

Tom shrugged as he leant back in his chair. "Few weeks ago. Last time my brother saw Ace, till he shot him."

The banging at the glass stopped Oakley from asking her next question as she turned and glared, causing the banging to stop.

"How are you so sure Ace actually shot your brother?"

Tom shrugged. "He said he would enough times, figured he went through with it."

"Does he own a gun?"

Tom nodded as the banging started again. Oakley turned and glared, stopping it again as she looked back at Tom.

"You sure?"

Tom shrugged slightly as he shuffled on his seat. "Think so. I know Eyeball's got one, so-"

The banging cut him off again as Oakley sighed and waved her hand at the glass, stopping it.

"Some connection. You glare or wave and they shut up." Tom laughed.

Oakley shrugged slightly. "They know I'm in charge."

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