Make way

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Yeah.. I got no excuses for not posting. Fell into that deep dark pit again, grief just doesn't leave you alone...

But I'm back! So sorry if you have to reread to catch up/remember, I know I had to haha


*****Chapter 17 - Make way*****

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Chapter 17 - Make way

Diego returned to Ace's house as he was let in.

"Still can't get my head round this." He mumbled as he walked into the living room, where Oakley was sat down flicking through her black notebook.

"I ain't getting suspected of shooting anyone else." Ace fired out as he followed him in.

"You do it?" Oakley asked Diego, not wanting Ace to know that he had gone to speak to children Ace picked on.

Diego nodded. "I don't think it was him."

"Who was what?" Ace asked blankly, looking between the two of them.

"You don't?" Oakley asked as she stood up, staring at Diego and ignoring Ace's question.

Diego shook his head. "It's just typical older sibling stuff, like you and Evan."

"What's older sibling stuff?" Ace asked again, continuing to look between them.

"One down, the rest to go." Oakley mumbled as Diego nodded slowly in agreement.

"Wait-" Ace started as he waved his hands between them. "Have you figured out it wasn't someone?"

Oakley and Diego gave him a small nod.

"What about me?!" Ace snapped, gesturing to himself. "Fuck anyone else, make sure it weren't me!"

Diego and Oakley stared at him blankly.

"We need to go back to the B&B, you eaten?" Diego asked, turning back to Oakley, continuing to ignore Ace.

She nodded as she closed her notebook.

"Hang on!" Ace fired out again as he continued to look between them, annoyed. "You can't leave me without an alibi!"

"Ace." Oakley started.

"No way I ain't being left for some fucker to try pin the blame on me!"

"Ace." She spoke a little more stern.

Snakebite - Ace Merrillحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن