With a determined stride, Dan prepared himself for the subsequent encounter with Jaekyung, ready to break the cycle of avoidance and uncertainty. It was a step towards reclaiming his emotional well-being and finding a path forward, whether that meant rebuilding their connection or finding closure within himself.

"I am so stupid thinking he would come and talk to me."

As Dan navigated the complexities of his relationship with Jaekyung, he found solace in the evolving dynamics between him and Heesung. Over time, the romantic feelings Dan had once harboured for Heesung gradually faded, allowing space for a different kind of connection to blossom.

While a lingering sense of awkwardness remained, Dan and Heesung made a conscious effort to maintain their friendship. They mainly talked during lectures and about studies.

Today again, it was time for their weekly physiology lecture.

Dan sat quietly in the lecture hall, his attention focused on the upcoming lecture. He was immersed in his own thoughts when suddenly, he felt a burst of energy as Heesung, came running up to him.

"Hey, Dannie!" Heesung came in a bit late today.


Heesung plopped down in the seat next to Dan. They sat in silence as the lecture began.


Dan sat at his desk during the high school break, enjoying a snack of banana milk and bread. It was a moment of respite in his busy day, a chance to recharge before the next class. However, his peaceful break was abruptly interrupted when a group of bullies approached his desk.

"Hey, look who it is! The gay freak!"

"You are gay, disgusting."

They took the drink from his hand and poured the milk all over his head.

There were a few gasps in the classroom, but everyone else pretended like nothing happened.

"Why do you care?" Dan shouted back as he wiped off the liquid from his body. As nobody was there for him, he had to act strong.

"What's wrong, Dan? Can't handle the truth about yourself?"

"Because you are fucking disgusting and a whore."

The bullies started laughing.

As the bullies pulled Dan's collar, dragging him down to an alley behind the school building, a wave of fear washed over him. His heart raced, and his palms grew sweaty.

As the bullies tightened their grip on Dan, his struggle to break free intensified. His heart pounded in his chest, and a surge of adrenaline-fueled his determination to escape their clutches.

He twisted and turned, desperately attempting to free himself from their grasp. His muscles strained, and he gritted his teeth, refusing to succumb to their control. Each attempt to break away was met with resistance, as the bullies held onto him with a firm grip.

As the bullies forcefully threw Dan to the ground, his body collided with the hard surface, causing a jolt of pain to surge through him. The impact momentarily took his breath away, leaving him disoriented and vulnerable.

Lying there, Dan felt a mix of confusion and anger well up inside him. He mustered the strength to push himself up onto his elbows, his voice laced with frustration and disbelief.

"What are you doing? Why are you doing this?"

The bullies, their faces contorted with smirks and malice, towered over him. Their intentions remained unclear, and the absence of any tangible reason only added to Dan's bewilderment.

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Where stories live. Discover now