Chapter 44 - City on a Hill

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine," he said reassuringly. "Maybe if we see Enterprise's friends soon, then they could have something on how to deal with the Sirens, since they do have a lot of knowledge about that kind of enemy..."

"What do you mean?" asked Enterprise.

"Well, Belfast and Sheffield... they have been staying in Boston for over a month or so..." said Richard. "So, it is likely they must have had an idea on what to do next, especially given the recent events...  Namely... I have a theory..."

"A theory?" asked Javelin.

"You three, plus Belfast and Sheffield if I can assume, ya'll mysteriously appear in our world, by what you described as some sort of a portal, right?"

"That's what I remember," said Enterprise.

"All I see was flaming water and a negative version of myself before I ended up here..."  Javelin added.

"Thats the same experience I am having, right before I ended up on Brooklyn, on the sandy shores..." Enterprise said to Javelin, and she further commented: "Before I ended up in New York, I fell into these black whirlpools, right after I was injured back in Midway, like as if I went through a dimensional rift or something..."

"Me and Laffey also had that same shit too..." Javelin spoke.

"So... Now that you three ended up through a dimension rift and then here... And the Sirens show up in the Bermuda Triangle..." said Richard and began to think for something until he had an idea.

"I think I have an idea on how on getting you all back home..."

"Really?" gasped Javelin "Tell us, what is your plan, do you think we can go home now?"

But before Richard could answer, he could see that he is approaching the exit ramps and the Fort Point Channel Tunnel on the South Bay interchange up ahead...

But before Richard could answer, he could see that he is approaching the exit ramps and the Fort Point Channel Tunnel on the South Bay interchange up ahead

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--Google Street View snapshot of the South Bay interchange facing east, in Boston, MA, taken in September 2022.--

"I'll explain you all once we find my colleagues and Elise, they're waiting for us at South Station for a while now..." he said. "While there, we can find Belfast and Sheffield, and then I will lay out my plan on how to get you all shipgirls back to your universe once we find these two maids, unless if these two have their own plans,"

"Yes Richard, I understand," Enterprise nodded before she began looking at the interchange as Richard slows his vehicle down and stayed on its second most-left lane, intent on exiting the interstate towards South Station.

"I have never seen this interchange so big up close to me..." said Enterprise.

"Me neither," added Javelin. "And those exit signs, here there is that one big spooky tunnel straight ahead and there are so many ways to go,"

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