Chapter 9

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As soon as Rafael entered the kitchen with Olivia, he walked directly to the fridge, He opened it, took out 2 huge water bottles, and closed it. He turned to Olivia, and handed her a water bottle. Olivia stared at him. "Do you want something to eat?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Is this my kitchen or yours?" Olivia asked,softly."Yours, but I do know my way around it. I have been to your apartment before.." Rafael's heart lifted as he watched Olivia's month turn upward in a tiny smile. "Captain Benson, is that a smile?" At his words she let out a small laugh. Rafael watched as the tiny smile turned into a bigger one. It reminded him of the smile she gave him in her office years ago, when she said she would be squabbling with him at 85, and he responded with the words wouldn't that be nice.
Suddenly, Olivia turned her body away from him, and his heart dropped, he couldn't see her eyes. "You came here for a party to celebrate Noah's adoption. You were the first one here." She whispered."I helped you finish setting up." He added.
"You came here at least a couple of times when I was home with Noah, after the whole Sheila situation." Olivia whispered."I did, and I told you you would get through it, I reminded you that you had gotten through a lot worse.""I was afraid to let Noah out of my sight." She said, still whispering."I came here to talk when I lost my abuela, and when I needed to talk about The Mariel McLaughlin Case.""I know." Olivia replied, she turned around to face him again. "Rafa?""Yes?""Never mind.""Liv, you were going to ask me something." Rafael said. Olivia moved to the fridge, opened it, and put her large water bottle away "I know", she said as she closed the fridge door "Never mind.""Why did you put your. water away?" Rafael asked."I don't want it, water never calms me down, it just gives the person giving the water something to do.""When was the last time you ate?" Rafael asked, there was a long silence, and Rafael didn't like it.
"Sometime... yesterday.""Which meal?" He asked quickly, trying not to sound worried and annoyed."Breakfast, I grabbed a Strawberry Yogurt.""That's it?""It was a Greek Yogurt. Greek Yogurt is healthy." Olivia said quickly."Oh well, as long as it was a Greek Yogurt." Rafael said, rolling his eyes. He quickly opened the fridge, and put the untouched water bottle he had taken for himself back inside. He then closed the door. " Sit down, try to relax." He said, gently. "Rafa—"Please, Liv, trust me."
Olivia moved away from him, he watched as she slowly moved to a bar stool in front of her counter island. Rafael opened up her freezer. and took something out, he closed the freezer door, moved to a counter, and unwrapped the item, minutes later he found a frying pan, minutes after that, he was cooking. He finished cooking the item, He strode to the fridge, and took something else out. "I'll be right back, Liv."
He left the room, walked down a small hallway, and entered ] the bathroom. He returned to the kitchen quickly, and Olivia was gone. "Liv." He exited the kitchen, and called again. "Liv. Are you OK, where are you?""I'm here. I was in the other bathroom." Olivia said, suddenly. She walked in the direction of the kitchen, and he followed, when they entered the kitchen, Olivia returned to her stool, and Rafael returned to the stove, and began to cook again. When he was done he shut off the stove. He quickly found 2 glass plates, and placed the food he prepared on them. He walked over to the drawer where her forks, and knives were held, and took 2 of each out before closing the drawer. He placed the utensils on the plates.
He picked up one plate with his right hand, and one plate with his left, he slowly started to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" Olivia asked."To the dining table." Rafael answered, calmly.
Olivia, slowly moved from the stool, and followed him out of the kitchen, and to her dining area. Slowly, she sat down at the dining table. He set a plate in front of her. Still, holding his plate he sat down in the chair across from her, and placed his pate on the place mat in front of him. "You must be starving," He said.
"I didn't ask you to cook for me." Olivia said."I know. He paused for a beat, and continued. He sighed. "Liv,"you can't run on empty. We were talking about yesterday. You said you went to bed. Did that make you feel better?""No, once I got into bed my anxiety got even worse. I tossed. and turned.""You did eventually fall asleep." Rafael said."I must have." Olivia replied softly. "The next thing I remember is waking up feeling like the whole world was crashing down... ending. It was so overwhelming, and I had no control over it, it ruled me. I wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go.I... I reached for the phone." Rafael wondered if she called Elliot Stabler first, but he wouldn't ask, not right now. Right now it didn't matter."I'm here with you, Liv." He reminded her softly. "A few years ago, I did some research, there are some foods that can help with anxiety. I think you should eat. I'm right here.""I'm fine, Rafa, really. I'm feeling a little better.""Eat, please, Liv." He pleaded. Rafael picked up a fork, and began to eat.Olivia looked down at her plate. "I've never had salmon, and eggs together." Olivia said, softly."They are 2 of the foods that can lessen anxiety." He replied, he watched her take a few bites of egg, and salmon, before continuing to eat from his plate. When his eyes focused on his plate, he smiled. He and Olivia were sitting together, eating, and not saying a word to each other. "I can make some tea."The sound of Olivia's cell phone made Olivia jump, and made Rafael groan inwardly. Without a word, Olivia rushed to the phone that was sitting on the charger in the kitchen. She picked it up. "Benson." She answered. After a minute, she said "Yeah, Velasco, give me about 5 minutes, and I'm on my way." She hung up the phone, and ran into her bedroom. Within 5 minutes, she ran from her bedroom to the dining area. "I have to go." She blurred out quickly. She was in her uniform. Her hair was neat, her makeup hid the fact that she had been crying for hours. She was Captain Benson.

Within minutes, Rafael was standing in her building's hallway. He walked with her in silence out of the building, and into the sun. "It's an emergency, I'm sorry." She said, breaking the silence.

"We're not done, Captain." Rafael said as she walked away. His voice was confident, it had to be, but inside he was terrified for her. "Keep her safe, we are not done." It was a statement, and a prayer at the same time.

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