Chapter 4

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Rafael pressed his ear to Olivia's apartment door, and listened intently for any sound. He heard nothing but silence. He took his ear away from the door, and stood up straight. " I'm not going anywhere." He said, both gently, and loud enough for her to hear his words. He sighed, softly, and spoke again in the same tone. "Liv, let me help you." Finally, he heard movement inside the apartment. "Liv, please let me help you." After another full minute, which felt like an eternity to Rafael. He heard the unmistakable sound of locks being turned and unlatched. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing his best friend.
He studied her. Her face was tear-stained, and pale. Rafael had seen her just hours ago at Forlini's, logic told him it was impossible to lose weight in that amount of time. Why did she look thinner? Her brown eyes were slightly red from crying, and wide with terror. "Rafa? I'm sorry, I'm sure you have court tomorrow, go... go home." She whispered."Do you want me to go or do you just not want to bother me?" He asked in his best courtroom voice. He watched as her body swayed slightly. Slowly, she stepped aside to allow him entrance. Within seconds he was inside. "What can I do for you? Don't say go home." He said when he was standing in front of her."I... I don't know!" She cried.
"OK, OK.". He answered. calmly He turned to the door he had forgotten to close, and moved to it. "I'm not going anywhere Liv, I'm just gonna lock the door." He continued speaking gently as he pushed the door closed, when he heard it click shut, he locked it. His green eyes locked on her, and he took his place in front of her again. "Liv, did you get a checkup recently?""Yes, 2 weeks ago. My blood work, and vitals are perfect...I'm in perfect physical health."
"That's great", he answered, relief washing over him. Did you have a nightmare?"She took a few short breaths. Noo", she managed to get out. "I... I don't know... what... what happened." She almost sobbed.
Liv, I'm here with you, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here. You need to breathe, watch me, and do what I do." Rafael instructed. Olivia gasped, loudly. "Liv, look at me. Focus on me, focus on my voice. I'm right here, you're going to get through this, Liv." Rafael, took a long slow breath through his nose. He held his breath, Then suddenly, he was exhaling through his pursed lips, forcing himself to relax his shoulders, stomach, jaw, and face. This technique normally calmed him down, but now as he watched Olivia stare at him with wide terrified eyes, it did nothing. He stopped performing the breathing exercise, and stepped closer to Olivia. He reached out, and touched her shoulder, it was stiff. He spoke in a gentle whisper. "Hey, trust me." He took his hand off her shoulder, took one small step back, and tried the technique again. This time Olivia followed his directions. When the process was complete, Rafael spoke again. Do we need to do that again?"""I don't know." She said her voice was still small, and vulnerable, but clear. "Can I get you something? I can make a pot of coffee.""No," Rafael replied."You have to go, of course you have to go." She quickly looked at the floor."Liv, hey, hey, look at me." A part of her didn't want to look at him, she didn't want him to see how embarrassed she was at her behavior. A bigger part of her yearned to lose herself in the overwhelming comfort of his green eyes, and that part won. Quickly, she lifted her eyes from the floor, and within seconds they were focused on him. He stepped closer to her. "I am." He reached for her arm, and she gave it to him. "Not going anywhere.""You have to sleep, you have work to do.""Let me worry about that, I can handle it.""You shouldn't have to, you don't have to.""Liv, I'm not going anywhere." He repeated with determination. "Let's sit down." He continued, leading her to the couch. She concentrated on the feel of his strong arm. They sat down side by side."Rafa?"Rafael heard her say in the same tone she used at Forlini's, hours ago."What?" He asked, gently."Thank-you for coming here. I know you have questions. I don't know what to say?""You don't have to say a word, I'll sit in silence with you, until you're ready to say something." He reassured her. Olivia turned her body to face him. He studied her face again, she looked exhausted, and still breathtakingly gorgeous. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She looked like she wanted to speak."Liv, you don't have to say anything, but you look like you want to. Would it help you if I spoke first?" Slowly. Olivia nodded her head in a yes motion.

4AM     Barson StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora