Chapter 3

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Olivia stood alone, unable to run from the thoughts that were attacking her. Her body felt stiff, but she managed to place the phone back in its cradle. She felt a fresh wave of tears, she didn't wipe them away, she let them cascade down her face. She couldn't recall the last time she cried like this or if she ever had. You are an abomination, Olivia. The voice in her head screamed. It continued No one needs you. You don't deserve...
The voice was interrupted by a loud ringing. Olivia picked up the phone from its cradle. Hell... Hello. "She answered."Liv, it's me. The elevator dropped the call. I didn't hang up.""Rafa?" She whispered."What is it Liv? Tell me." He said."I'm fi... I'm fine. Go... go back to bed.""I'm not going to do that. I'm getting into a cab right now." Rafael answered her.
Olivia heard a car door close, and suddenly she was flooded with embarrassment." No." She whispered, she wanted to scream the word, but her voice wouldn't let her.
"Yes, I'm on my way." Rafael replied with determination. "Liv. talk to me."

She was silent, she was silent for his whole ride over. When the cab stopped, he quickly paid the driver, and exited the cab. He was relieved to be here at Olivia's apartment building, and relieved he tipped the cabbie generously, because when Rafael slammed the car door shut, the cabbie didn't even yell at him. Rafael didn't have time to fight, he didn't have time to apologize. He needed to get to her. "Liv, I'm here." He said into the phone. as he ran into her building. She still didn't say a word, and when he entered her elevator , the call dropped once again. When the elevator doors finally opened. he ran out, and ran to her apartment door as fast as his legs would allow him to go. He knocked loudly on her door, and spoke. "Liv, let me in, please." It was silent. "You know how stubborn I am. You know I'll camp outside this door until you're ready to open it."

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