Matt finally ask out heaven and chris finally ask Brittany out

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Matt texts heaven
Matt: good morning sleepy head
Matt: I know u see my message
Matt: hello
Matt: u okay
Heaven: omg!! I'm sorry I'm phone was on silent good morning I know just saw it hello I'm good
Matt: I thought something happened to u
Heaven: no nothing happened I promise
Matt: ok good to hear
Chris text Brittany
Chris :Brittany wassup
Chris: how u Been
Chris: u good
Chris: Brittany
Chris: why Brittany not texting me back is she okay
Heaven: she fine she is still sleeping and her phone is on dnd at the moment
Brittany: I'm sorry my phone dnd and I was sleeping
Chris: I know ur sister told me
Brittany: are u mad at me
Chris: no I'm not mad at all
Brittany 😅
Chris:got a question tho
Chris:wanna go out with me
Matt: heaven!!!
Heaven: yess
Matt: got a question
Heaven: yess
Matt: do u wanna go with me
Heaven: yes

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