I find Jake in the living room, watching the baseball game. “Looks like we’ll be taking showers together.” I giggle, and lead him to the bathroom, getting two towels out from the hall closet. Stepping out of my clothes, I toss them on the floor and jump in the warm water. “Okay, come in, but don’t look.” I call from the other side of the bathroom door.

I can hear the smirk in his words. “But I’ve seen you naked before.” He reminds. I shake my head and begin to scrub my body.

“Yeah, but that was when I was working, now it’s different!” I call. Shielding his eyes, l laugh as he stumbles into the toilet, then the counter, then the clothes and almost falls, finally making his way into the shower as well.

He chuckles. “You know, I’m going to have to look eventually. I have to wash up too or there’s no point in taking a shower.” Should I really trust him? Would he go around bragging to the whole school he saw my body or post pictures on the internet or something?

I sigh, defeated. “Fine.” He laughs and opens his eyes. Suddenly, even though I am nude in front of people all the time, I feel self conscious.

“Nice.” He whispers, grabbing the shower gel and scrubbing it into his hair. The flow of shower water was becoming so relaxing that there was an awkward silence. Deviously, I grab the shower head off of it’s holder and spray him right in the face. “You missed a spot!” He yanks it out of my hands and sprays me too, getting the soap off of my forehead and body.

“That’s not nice.” I complain teasingly.

“Who said I was nice?” He argues, smirking.

After we had our water war, Jake crushed his lips to mine, water flowing down our bodies in almost a rhythm. “Wow.” I say, getting out of the shower. Making sure my little brother was asleep, I head across the bathroom to my room and get dressed quickly in some sweats and a plain white t-shirt, throwing Jake a pair of my dad’s old boxers that had somehow mixed up with our bags.

We had settled onto the back patio that was connected to the apartment’s small balcony, and were now drinking Pepsi’s watching the sun go down. For once, I actually felt normal. Like the average teenager, drinking a pop and hanging out with her…boyfriend? At this point I didn’t know what we were, but I could feel that I was getting attached. Stupid, stupid prostitute you. “It’s pretty.” He comments, clinking my Pepsi can to his own.

“Yeah, kind of normal…” I laugh, smiling at him. “So, how is your life, your family?” I ask, quieter than usual.

“I only live with my dad, he’s a business man. You know, not home much.” He shrugs it off and looks out at the darkening sky.

“Oh.” I say, sounds better than me. He obviously has some money if his father’s a business man. That’s where we were different from each other; I was on the poor side, and he was on the richer part of life. Too bad that wasn’t me, but I was definitely content with my life. Besides a few things. I stifle a yawn. “Well, I’m tired. So, goodnight.” I kiss him on his cheek, but of course he pulls me in and deepens it.

“Do I sleep on the couch?” He questions smirking.

I shake my head no. “Of course not, you sleep in my bed with me.” I giggle, running into my bedroom, he does too. “Oh and thanks for saving my ass tonight.” I kiss him on the cheek as he smiles.

“No problem. Thanks for letting me sleep over.” He grins and kisses me on the lips for a few seconds, parting after we need to breathe. Jake was just different, he left me wanting more, even if we had already gotten physically as close as possible. “You can come to my house tomorrow.” I open my mouth to say something, but close it once I realize it sounds stupid.

The morning sun shining on my face woke me up. The boy next to me was sleeping peacefully, the sunlight half on his face casting a shadow. “I want breakfast!” Caleb squealed, jumping on the bed.

“Okay, shh.” I say, tiptoeing out of the room, closing the door so that Jake can get some sleep. Something told me he didn’t get enough at home, maybe it was fear of always being alone.

I let Caleb help me crack the eggs into a bowl and mix them up carefully so that he didn’t make a mess on the counter. Turning on the stove, I turn on cartoons for my brother as well because I know if I don’t he’ll distract me from cooking his food. In the middle of stirring the eggs with the spatula, I feel warm hands wrap around my waist. Jake.

“Morning, beautiful.” He smiles. “Smells good.” Good thing I’d made enough for the both of them. I was of no interest of eating anything. Food didn’t appeal to me this early in the morning. It was only seven. I yawn and rush to the bathroom, putting on some make-up and getting dressed so that Jake didn’t have to look at the nasty looking side of me, the part he hadn’t already seen anyways


Thanks for the support everyone. (:





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