39 - Manipulations

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You sit staring blankly at Yoongi as you mull over his words, your mind racing with all sorts questions and possible explanations. You'd like nothing more than to freak out right now, because who wouldn't, finding out that these seven men all have abilities that are so far from being even remotely humanly possible yet unbelievably mind-blowingly incredible and just as you thought it couldn't go any further they drop something new and expect you to believe they can 'manipulate emotions'?

This cannot be real life...

You can feel the other six pairs of eyes on you as they study your every move, watching and waiting for how you'd react to all this information, but you keep it together the best you can and allow them to continue knowing how this is most probably much harder for them to confess and trust you with than it is for you to fully wrap your mind around.

"Emotional Manipulation?" You ask softly. You want to make them feel like they can trust you so you keep your voice as unpanicked and neutral as possible.

Keeping your eyes fixed on Yoongi who keeps his on the ground looking as if he is trying to piece his words together before he sucks air in through his teeth and readies to speak.

"Yes. With everything, we can also manipulate a person's emotions. It's one of our most valuable gifts and we only use it to make others or each other feel good, but I think it will be better if each of us explained our own gifts with a small demonstration so that you can really understand." Yoongi says scanning the room to make sure everyone was comfortable.

After a second or two, Yoongi speaks again. You can't lie but you feel equal parts intrigued and scared shitless as you don't know what these manipulations may be or how they will affect you but you decide to just listen closely and let things run it's course before you react.

"So I have the gift of Calmness." Yoongi says still keeping is eyes from you as he continues. "This means that, when I allow it, I can make you feel calm. This gift, just like the others', can be projected to a large group of people like a stadium but quiet recently I discovered that I can use it for myself as well."

You furrow your brows at his last words looking around the room, "You didn't know it could be used for yourselves?"

"Not entirely. We had an idea but we didn't take it further wanting to use it for others more than for ourselves and eventually forgetting the idea completely." Joon explains pulling your attention to him, you simply nod in understanding. It's all you can really do.

Yoongi shifts in his seat slightly, regaining your attention, before looking up and straight into your wide curious eyes, locking in and quiet literally looking right into your soul with his cat-like eyes captivating you completely.

Why does he have this affect on me?
I mean he's just looking at me for crying out loud...
God he has beautiful eyes.

Nevermind that... The hell is he gonna do?

He takes a deep breath one more time before he speaks again.

"I can feel how nervous you are along with a hint of fear, Y/N." He say, his voice low and calm as he keeps his stare, a faint smile coming across his lips and if it wasn't for the fact that you are now shamelessly staring at the porcelain perfection that is Yoongi, you'd had missed it. "That's good, it will help show you the full affects of my gift, are you ready?"

Before you can fully react your inners fill with an undeniable calmness from a source you now know is Yoongi. You relax onto the couch as you allow the feeling to take over while remembering the other times you felt exactly like this and not understanding where it came from. Now it's all starting to come together and it feels incredible. Strange, yes, but incredible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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