I'm with you

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"How's it going?" Jasper asked with a laugh as he saw Diego and Ashton walk back out to the reception.

"Good, so far Billy's losing the battle to be named a shih tzu." Diego replied with a smile as Ashton walked to grab two coffees.

"I meant the investigation." Jasper mumbled.

Diego nodded. "So did I, apparently which dog they are is definitely taking a more important place in their mind right now."

Ashton brought over both coffees as Diego leant against the front desk.

"Which ones which?" Jasper asked with a sigh.

"So far, the only firm decision is Ace being a pitbull crossed with a rottweiler." Diego mumbled as he took a sip.

Jasper nodded slowly. "Makes sense."

"I was just telling Diego about the many times we've broken up fights between the cobras and View crew." Ashton spoke calmly as he took a sip of his own coffee. "Bout how they can all fight like deadly dogs."

Jasper nodded slowly. "Ain't that the truth."

Diego nodded. "Ash tells me that Billy can fight like a bulldog."

Jasper nodded again. "I'd say so."

"He only pinned Charlie down as a husky though." Diego added, taking another sip.

Jasper scoffed slightly. "I'd say Charlie was more a German shepherd."

Diego raised his eyebrows. "How so? Kid doesn't look like he can fight."

Jasper shook his head. "He once got me a good one when I was trying to break him off one of the others."

Diego turned to him slowly. "He got you good?"

Jasper nodded slowly. "The fucker broke my nose."

Diego winced slightly. "Sounds fucking painful."

Jasper nodded again. "Just a kid you know." He mumbled quietly.

Diego nodded. "Speaking as someone who's been shot, being injured in the line of duty fucking sucks."

"Who shot you?" Jasper asked intrigued.

"Some guy I was tracking down, killed a husband and wife. Me and my partner went in with Oakley and her partner as backup. He went to shoot her so I took the bullet." Diego mumbled as he placed his cup down and pulled the collar of shirt down.

Ashton and Jasper leaned to look at the scar on Diego's shoulder.

"Did you get him?" Ashton grew curious himself.

Diego nodded. "Oakley shot him straight after, out of all of us, she deserved it most."

"But he shot you?" Jasper asked blankly, surely Diego deserved to kill him?

Diego shook his head as he took his cup and had another swig of the coffee.

"Not before he had shot her parents."

Their mouths dropped slightly as they realised that was why Oakley had joined the homicide division. To find her parent's killer.

Diego quickly finished his coffee as he turned to Ashton. "We going?"

Ashton nodded as he quickly downed his coffee.

"Where you going?" Jasper asked as he stood up and watched the detective and cop walk towards the door.

"To solve this murder." Diego replied with a shrug as he turned back to Ashton and the pair disappeared out the station.

"Any reason why we have the cobras in an interrogation room with Oakley?"

Jasper turned as he saw Carter walk out, gesturing behind him. He shrugged and shook his head as he sat back down, looking up at the clock. Only two more hours before his shift finished.


"This feels wrong." Ashton mumbled as he followed Diego inside the big house.

"So go home." Diego mumbled as he pulled two gloves from his pocket and slipped them on his hands.

"Hell no." Ashton fired out.

Diego turned to him. "I'm serious. This is dangerous territory we're entering."

"We're already in the house?" Ashton asked as he looked around.

"You know what I meant." Diego replied firmly. "If you're not up for this, go home."

Ashton hesitated.

"I'm with you."

Diego gave him a small nod as he turned and began walking through the house, pictures of Jasper littered the walls.

Diego gave him a small nod as he turned and began walking through the house, pictures of Jasper littered the walls

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I'm back.. for good this time, no more wimping out! Let's solve these murders!!

Hope you enjoyed these four, let me know what you think and more will come later today as I write it ❤️

Snakebite - Ace MerrillWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt