Where is my mind? part 1 🍋

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Claire's point of view

It's been a few days since... That's the night with Jim and the other girls and also finding out he's been sleeping with my mother and I have not said a word to any of them

After Jim told me what happened with him and my mum I just climbed out of the flower and grabbed my clothes and ran to the door, after I got dressed I just headed straight home and went into my bed slightly screaming into the pillows

I should've guessed something was up I mean my mum's been absolutely happy lately and she's been sort of hanging out with Jim and since he's such an amazing... No no it's not the time to think about that you're still angry with him. Still though maybe I shouldn't of just stormed off and I should've given him a chance to explain it a bit better

But I can't bring myself to do it every time I see Jim, Claire or Darcy I just walked the other way I didn't even take part in the spring king and queen track it on because I knew that would mean standing near them for for the whole day and trying to avoid them is really difficult especially in school. I also haven't really been helping out that much like a few days ago when the weird alien bugs tried to invade I just evacuated with everybody else I couldn't be around the others although I'm happy all got settled

I mean I'm not angry with Jim okay I'm a Little angry with him I mean how could you do that how could he sleep with my mother!? I mean yes I understand my dad is an asshole and her mum is trying to keep it together so she's probably really stressed and she needed some form of stress relief but still sleeping with a guy I wanted to go out with that's a bit much

To top it all off this relationship with that Namora was talking about what is risky to say the least and a little bit unethical but I was willing to give it a go... But now with my mother involved I'm not so sure

As I'm walking to class I catch I was with Mary who is watching me on, and she's trying to come over I panicked and quickly sprint around the corner and hide in a storage room thank God she almost-

Suddenly a voice startles me from the ceiling: really great hiding place Claire bear

I started back as I look up at the ceiling and it's Mary just hanging on the shelves. How did she even get in here without me noticing?

She jumps down from the shelves and opened the door revealing the gym and Darcy already waiting on the other side. They walk in and I avoid their gaze it's still very awkward

Streak appeared: okay seriously you guys need to talk and probably make out later so I'm just gonna go back on here call me when you need me

He then disappears leaving the awkward atmosphere none of us really know what to say, I mean how could we how many people have been in this exact situation probably zero

Jim decides to be the first one to break the ice: okay I'll say it , We really need to figure this whole thing out

Darcy: which part the fact that just after losing opportunity you told us you were sleeping with Claire's mother or at the fact that we can't really work as a team anymore because of it

We all look at Darcy with questionable looks she's just shrugs: what I'm just saying that's what's happening here

True but he doesn't make it any better when someone talks about it that bluntly: okay just so I'm completely you were serious about... You know with my mum

Jim rubs the back of his head sheepishly: Yeah... Look I never meant for it to go that far she just wanted some company and then one thing led to another and the next thing I know we are basically Friends with benefits

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