Battle of killhead bridge part 1

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Hi everyone so I can finally start updating this story more often, I know this hasn't seem Like a very long break it's just for me I can't write something I don't find interesting and for awhile I lost interest in Trollhunters and symbiote but now I've got my interest back it happens sometimes I don't really know how to explain it. Anyway I hope you enjoy this new chapter and remember this episode is gonna be breaks into three different parts

Jim's point of view

I couldn't quite remember how much time has passed since I passed out, I remember brief flashes of consciousness and since I heard that deafening sound but I don't quite remember how I ended up in the hospital. Streak filled me in on the finer details about how some weird sound separated our bond slightly which caused some major damage to our brains And our connection but it's somewhat fixed now. He also explained how he created A barrier of sorts to hide himself from x-ray at the doctors day to see if I had any internal damage.

Well I suppose the good news is I'm fit and ready to go but bad news is I don't know if I've got another move to make

Streak speaking in my head: so what's our next move?

I answer him: truthfully man I don't think we have one, I mean Stricklers figured out that Namora he's working for us they've got her as a hostage if they don't they've already killed her I said it matters because they've got Mary and Claire what can we do we're out of moves

streak still speaking telepathically: but we've got to try, We can't just give up it's not fair to the World and it's not fair to Mary and Claire they need us!

I growl in my mind: I know that I just don't see how we're gonna get out of this one major advantage is gone, they've got hostages along with the fact that they now know both our weaknesses. Let's face it streak with her at the end of the road

My symbiote friend didn't answer instead he just went quiet as quiet as I was, it just doesn't seem real one moment we are on top of this whole thing now everything we're trying to build is come crashing down . Questions like where did we go wrong popping into my mind The only thing that doesn't pop anything answer not that it really matters I can't turn back time and do it all over again.

I hear the sound of the curtains being pulled back at first I thought it was my mother but it's revealed to be Darcy, she gives me a shy wave: hey

I dryly respond to her: hey...

Darcy sits down on the bed across from me: just so you know Ophelia didn't report Claire or Mary missing as far as anyone else know if they're both off sick with the flu, which has left the school play to be cancelled so there's no need to worry about that

I let out a sigh: not that it really matters I'm out of moves I've shown my hand and I've lost everything

Darci: so what that's it you're just gonna give up?

I turned to her: no I'm not I don't... I just... I ca- I just don't know what to do planned the whole thing out perfectly and now the whole plan is falling apart I wasn't trying to get anyone else involved with this it's just so dangerous now Strickler has hostages

Darcy look down: Yeah And I don't know if you remember this but he asked you to go to the museum alone and I do mean alone alone not with your secret BFF that you're attached to the hip with. He said it was the only way you were going to save Claire and Mary possibly even

No doubt he will keep its word but if I don't show up Claire and Mary even Namora if you still alive maybe in for a fate worse than death have to do something

Suddenly my mother comes in, this instantly causes Darcy to sit up and act like nothing is going on: hey Miss Lake I was just saying hello to Jim I'll get out of your hair now

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