No way home part 3

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Hey guys before this chapter starts I just wanna ask what would you guys feel about me adding in some more girl in to the harem, it's just thinking that I'm doing the whole Multiverse thing so why not take advantage of that. I won't say who I want to add in but I will say to one which I think you guys are gonna like spider GwenA.k.a. Gwen Stacy it's just with this whole Multiverse angle thing I think I could make it work along with some other characters which I have some ideas for let me know what you think in the comments

Jim's point of view

After finding some new clothes and getting some money that we "borrowed" from A nearby cash machine mean streak are enjoying a nice burger and a fast food restaurant, the food here is so much better than Work is back home but I wonder why? Maybe it's just because I'm in New York City everyone says the food is better there guess that's true no matter what reality you're in

Streak speaking in my head: I don't like this red symbiote running around with a serial killer as toast that's like giving a shark a grenade launcher and teach it how to use it

I admit having superpowers version of Bonnie and Clyde running around New York City doesn't sound very appealing but I'm still not completely convinced I mean why are red symbiote so dangerous ever since streak saw him on the bridge he's been.... Different I mean we've been watched by a bird for the last 15 minutes and he hasn't even mentioned it which I'm happy about but it's also starting to creep me out I'm so used to him saying birds are evil that now that he's not I'm getting concerned

So decide to ask: okay streak what's going on the birds been watching out for 15 minutes you haven't even mentioned it, are Red symbiote really that dangerous?

Streak: yeah they are, you know how I eat brains and meat because I need to sustain myself like A human doesn't mean I enjoy having to kill something that sentence sometimes but it is for my survival and I told myself that I'm fairly certain some of the other symbiote feel the same way. The red ones however they kill because it's fun I want to saw a red one go on a rampage and killed at least 50 life forms that was sent can't do you wanna know what he did he didn't even eat single one of them it just killed them for sport

Okay that does sound really bad, I mean I let street eat a bad man partly because he what is robbing an old man, but I would never let him go on a killing spree for fun. Is this carnage is a red one and he's teamed up with a serial killer there's no telling what kind of chaos they could do

Luckily for us it should all be over soon and we should be heading home: well there's no need to worry streak after we've gathered up the last of the villains Dr strange is going to somehow get us back to our own realities and we won't have to deal with this problem

My happy smile suddenly fades when streak drops a bombshell on me: yeah I don't think so, even if we do manage to get home the Multiverse has been weakened by this ripple in time and space there's no telling what could happen

What what does that mean? Dr strange is going to fix everything and we're all going to go back home like nothing is ever happened that's how it's gonna work... Isn't it?

My symbiote lays out the laws of the multiverse: You see Jim, think of The barriers between Multiverse as paper, they are strong but once a tear happens cannot be reversed you can catch the tear up with tape but the chair is still there. The spell that Peter asked Dr strange to do has created a massive tear in the Multiverse itself this car can be fixed but not completely, there's no telling what repercussions will happen after this

That's a worrisome prospect: wait so what could that mean?

Streak: I have absolutely no idea Jim the Multiverse is vast and there are some realities that I don't know of, Perhaps when we go back to our world it wouldn't be a bad idea to create something that could detect Multiverse anomalies, I do know how to create a machine that does that I would've said that we should create it while we here but it would take too long and I don't wanna be in this dimension any longer then we absolutely need to be. Besides we got tons of scheming we want to do back in our dimension our little plan has only just taken off

He's got a point couldn't hurt to be cautious, Under normal circumstances I would say that streak was being a bit paranoid but he definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to the Multiverse is and everything he's saying does make sense we can't just fix a tear in the space-time continuum and expect them not to be some form of repercussions. The real question is though should I tell the others about this grand adventure, would they even believe me to begin with.

Not to mention Claire and the other girls have already been through enough world shaking events i'm not sure how they would react to finding out that the Multiverse theory is real but then again if a Multiverse threat happens in Arcadia The more people that know the better

Streak pulls me out of my thoughts: let's not worry about that for now Jim, let's just head back to the sanctum Santorum maybe Dr strange as a way to take us home now

Yeah I guess he's right no point in worrying about something at the moment, There are much bigger things to worry about right now, I pay for the meal and we leave the fast food place heading into a back alley we try we transform into streaks slender form allowing us to swing around the city people obviously mistake us for Spider-Man So they throw green painted us saying Mysterio was right!

Weird statement but not gonna bother responding let's just get back to the sanctum and get home, however when we arrive back at the same time and down in the seller I find that Peter and his friends are huddling together with some sort of weird cube thing with Dr strange nowhere in sight

Peter notices me: oh Jim you're back good we could use your help with something

Peter is in costume and he's panting out of breath like he's been in a fight, and that strange cute thing is holding gives me a minute pression that Dr strange was here something doesn't feel right

I decide to ask: Peter what did you do?

Peter rubs the  back of his head rather sheepishly: okay so long story short I found out that some of these guys are going to die the second they go back to their own dimension and Dr strange was going to send them back with out even hesitating so I thought him and I took this magic box which supposedly how to spell that could take everyone back

Okay I kind of feel like I know where this is going: let me take an educated guess you want to help them

Peter nodded: yeah I mean come on these people are gonna die if we don't do something have a heart

Streak pops out of my neck: Um ... Peter just a quick reminder one of them wants to eat you the other one wants rip you limb from limb, and I'm pretty sure the other ones in the cages what do the same thing

The man wearing rags: I don't

Oh good one out of the eight SuperVillains don't want to kill him that's great: Peter I don't think this is such a good idea maybe we should just send them home, coffin has already done enough damage to the Multiverse there's no telling what could happen if this continues

Peter: come on have a hard we can't just leave them to die, I promise once we sort this all out I'll use this thing to send you all back home

Me and streak have a quick psychic conversation, streak starts: I don't like this, helping out any of these guys could end horribly especially venom he wants to kill us remember

I agree with that: Yeah you've got a point and I'm not completely settled on the whole helping out SuperVillains thing but it seems like Peter is dead set on helping them we might as well try and help him besides the sooner they get better the sooner we can go home

Streak: Yeah I guess you got a point, it would be easier to help him learn to try and stop him. But I wanna to make it clear that I don't trust any of these guys as far as we can throw them

Me and streak are both in agreement, we're going to help but only on the sole purpose to get home sooner, we turn back to Peter and streak disappeared into my neck again: okay so after a quick conversation with my friend we have agreed that we will help in getting the Supervillain is better that we just wanna point out that we're only doing this because we want to go home and that we don't trust any of them as far as we can throw them also if either venom try anything all bets are off and we will kill them

Peter looks at us rather concerned: okay that... Agreeable I think? Okay let's get started

Okay that's it for this chapter I know it was a bit short but I have some other things I need to do today so this was the best I can do also This part of the fanfiction is going to have five parts instead of for you I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you next time please don't forget to leave a comment about add on to The harem also please leave a vote it just really shows your support

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