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After work, Shagun sees Anmol at the bus stop and hides but sneaks some glances and smiles to herself. She heads towards her bus when she thinks the coast is clear, only to come face-to-face with Anmol waiting for her with his signature grin.

They hop on board and Shagun ignores his invitation to sit next to him.
Undeterred, Anmol sits in front of her and teases that she must really enjoy looking at him from behind. She says they don't have to commute together just because they go in the same direction, but he swings around to ask if she'd like to.

It's so obvious that he's interested in her too now!

Anmol drags Shagun to his restaurant for dinner, but she's unable to eat with the way his parents are lingering nearby. They pester her with personal questions, which Anmol reprimands them for.

Shagun shares that she's been living alone since she graduated high school, and that her dad wasn't at home growing up.
The Arora family freezes and defends single-parent families but are relieved when she explains that he was just busy working on a boat.

Anmol's parents hype him up, saying that he must be strong and healthy, only to learn that his health deteriorated...because of alcoholism. This leaves the family twiddling their thumbs, and Shagun quietly says, "It was a joke."

Nobody understands her humor, but Mr. Arora laughs anyway, pretending that it was funny.

Night has fallen and Ramesh paces outside "for some fresh air," not admitting that he's worried about his daughter.

He's relieved when she returns with Ahir by her side, confused at the sight of Shaurya.

Inside, Ahir prevents Anokhi from waking Shaurya up. He explains that Shaurya remains in cat form while he sleeps, only able to transform when he's well rested - his time is limited.

The pair move to another room to chat, and Ahir asks if Anokhi knows when she first met Shaurya. She puts the pieces together herself, realizing that he was the young boy she'd given the scarf to.
Ahir confirms this and says, "I know it's late, but I want to turn things back."

Anmol apologizes on his parents' behalf after the meal, explaining that they consider their behavior friendly. Shagun doesn't blame them at all. He notices that she seems to have an upset stomach and claims to know of an effective digestive medicine.

She finds herself at an arcade where Anmol says the best way to cure indigestion is through karaoke. At her reluctance, he suggests playing a shooting game instead.

She pulls her hair back, so you know she means business. Easily beating the game, Shagun leaves Anmol so mesmerized that he stares at her, speechless.

She walks out without a word and Anmol follows, explaining that he'd just wanted to break down the wall between them.
Shagun says she's often scolded for keeping to herself, but it's just the way she is.

Anmol realizes that he was being inconsiderate, apologizing that he did it to hear her voice - he just wanted to talk to her more. Shagun's down to talk, so she brings him somewhere quieter...the library.

Feeling a bit offended, he asks, "Who's stupid enough to make noise at a library?" He vents that she must've brought him here to avoid talking to him, proclaiming that he catches on to these things quickly.

He learns that she wasn't responding to him because the librarian was asking them to be quiet.

Shagun stalks off and he follows her like a puppy, claiming that he's usually quick-witted. Fed up, she tells him that he's not, but because he's slow-witted, he seems more genuine and that's why she likes him.

𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝕶𝖍𝖎 (MUBARAK HO) Where stories live. Discover now