, is the negotiation on Jichuan Island going to be postponed?" On

    the other end of the phone, the assistant asked: "Originally, we made an appointment with the island owner for the video negotiation and handover tomorrow."

    "Then postpone it."

After everything, Chu Qing also finished filming inside, and left the studio to change clothes and remove makeup.

    Huo Li chased after him and found Chu Qing who was applying toner in the dressing room.

    Chu Qing glanced at Huo Li, lowered his head and continued to wipe, without saying a word.

    Huo Li sighed, sat down beside Chu Qing and said, "Qingbao... I want to leave for a while."

    Chu Qing was taken aback.

    "Not long, only three days." Huo Li said helplessly: "Take care of yourself these three days, okay?"

    Chu Qing looked at Huo Li expressionlessly.

    "Qingbao is good." Huo Li rubbed the top of Chu Qing's hair.

    Chu Qing turned his head and whispered: "Well, can't you not go..."

    "Sorry, can't... It's Huo Liao's lawsuit, I have to be here."

    "Then... Will Mr. Huo come back when he goes? ?" Chu Qing lowered her head and rubbed her palms with her fingers.

    "What nonsense are you talking about, unless I die..."

    Chu Qing covered Huo Li's mouth and frowned slightly.

    "Then... Mr. Huo, let's go." Chu Qing turned his head.

    Mr. Huo probably didn't leave because he was angry... Didn't he leave because of a quarrel?

    Isn't it...?

    Is there really something wrong?

    It should be something really...

    Chu Qing's thoughts are in a mess, and he begins to feel a little scared, and he is not very angry.

    It was the first time Mr. Huo left.

    Wasn't it because he was angry? Getting angry?

    It's not like...

    "Silly Qingbao, what are you thinking about?" Huo Li couldn't laugh or cry, he took Chu Qing into his arms and said, "I really have something to go out. I want to be honest with you before, you Knowing this plan, Huo Liao has finally been arrested now, I have to go over and not let him and Z use the means."

    "Qingbao...don't be mad at me."

    "...Mr. Huo come back soon, okay? "

    Pfft." Huo Li raised his eyebrows and said, "It means that you will continue to be angry when I come back, right?"

    "..." Chu Qing hummed.

    "Qingbao, I will video with you every night, and I will remind you to eat." Huo Li, like an old father who wants to send his children to study abroad, held Chu Qing's hand and said, "When I'm not here, you You have to take good care of yourself, understand? Qingbao has to learn to be independent."


    "Don't dig your hands quietly, I'll come back and see if you have more wounds at night."


    Chu Qing's face Some red.

    "Also, you are not allowed to see Mengke alone again." Huo Li fiercely warned: "I will make a video with you on WeChat every night, and I want you to send a photo."

After The Boss Went Bankrupt, I Raised HimUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum