Chapter 19

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Well damn I had extreme writers block for this chapter.

like.. I actually had no idea what to do for the next chapter so I just kept writing on this chapter and decided to end it here hahaHAHAH

yeah sorry guys this is the end of the book //cries

you have my permission to get rid of this from your library bc it sucks ass okay I admit whoops never again will I do an x reader book again.


Name: Hinami Fueguchi

It was about 9:00pm when it happened. I had gotten done with Tsukiyama, and Touka ran into me on the way back to (Name)'s house.

We were walking and talking until we both bumped into someone.

This person looked so familiar it wasn't even cool. I stared at them for a while, until Touka finally spoke up.

"Who are you?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out," they said.


But they sound like a girl.

She's wearing a robe that covers most of her entire body, but her mouth. At the corner of her mouth are.. bandages?

(I know that's not how it really is but she doesn't want to be too suspicious ahaHAHAHAHA)

Touka and the girl got into a chat, but I wasn't listening.

This situation reminded me too well of my mothers death.

I shivered, and heard Touka yell. I looked over at her, and she was in a fight with the girl.

"Hey, hey now!" I said, getting in front of Touka.

As fast as I knew it, she had pulled a knife out and went to strike me.

But that's when..

Touka threw me,

and she was stabbed instead of me.

The situation was just like my moms death.

She risked her life to save me.

Touka looked at me as she held onto her wound.

"Damn it, Hinami run!!" Touka barked.

I stared in horror.

No.. not again.

No no no no no no no no nO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

Touka stood up weakly, bringing out her kagune. She shot some of her kagune at the girl, but she dodged them all.

I saw a shimmer, and before I knew it.. Touka was stabbed again.

Her previous wound had healed, but the girl slashed all alround Touka's body. I stared in horror as all her skin broke, and blood shot out.

She fell to the ground, and stared at me for a brief second.

Touka smiled, and mouthed three simple words.

"I'll miss you."

I burst into a series of sobs as the girl stomped her face into the ground, a loud crack following afterwards. She turned to me, a sinister grin placed on her mouth. She charged after me, but I was quickly grabbed and pulled away from the situation.

I looked up to see the person who saved me.

"Tch.. damn it. Why is she so stupid!" the person shouted. It's a male.

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