Chapter 12

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Date Written: March 20th, 2015

//heavy breathing// this book is in 7th place if you look up Kaneki x reader oml where are all of you reader coming from ily Tokyo Ghoul fans

and um I'm switching up some of the characters personalities so don't yell at meeeee.

Kaneki has Aradia h0rns mwhahahaha


I blushed almost instantly after I heard Sasaki say those three words. My face became so red that I had to cover it.

I sprinted down the street, peeking out of my hands every once in a while to be sure I don't run into anything. I started squealing as soon as I got onto my street.

"Yis!! Yus!! Yes!! Yos!! YESSSSS!!!" I squealed. I started hopping up and down and sprinted into my house. I slammed the door shut as soon as I walked in.

I slammed my body into the door and slid down it slowly. "Aha yes.." I said calming down.

After I recollected myself I stood up and went to the phone. I dialled in Antieku's number and waited for SOMEONE to pick up.

It rang only about six times until I heard Touka's fake cheery voice.

"This is Antieku, how may I help you?"

"Touka cut the act it's only (F/N)."

I heard her sigh. "What do you want?"

"Okay, you need to tell everyone this once we're done, okay?" It was more of an order instead of a question. She mumbled in response.

"Kaneki doesn't remember you. Any of you."

There was silence at the other line. It was so quiet that I could hear everyone's breathing in the background.

"What?" Touka said quietly.

I hesitated and pressed the phone harder against my ear. "He doesn't remember you."

It had been silent again.

"Okay," Touka said. "I-I have to go..." she said and hung up quickly.

Now I feel bad. But if I were Touka, I would have asked a question like:

"Why does he only remember you?"

I would have no answer for the question anyways. I would answer "I don't know."

I feel really bad. Way too bad. I grab my jacket and head out the door.

At first I'm walking fast but eventually it turns into a jog. I start panting because I'm not really that into running. I start running to where I start panting heavily and slow down. I look ahead of me and spot a girl. I run up to her and try to prevent myself from heaving.

"Hi...?" she said.

"Hhh.... hhhhh.... hhh.. oh hi.. sorry if I'm... hhh... creeping you out, heh," I said, still trying to prevent myself.

I finally look up and examine her for a few seconds.

She's gorgeous.

(YOU THINK HE'S A GIRL AHA ily Tooru my poor baby)

"No, you're fine," she giggles. I giggle a little too.

"Oh um," I bow apologetically. "I'm (F/N)."

"I'm Tooru," she says and smiles.

"That's a cute name!" I exclaim. She giggles and heat rises to her cheeks.

"Heh... thanks!" she says and scratches her cheek shyly.

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