Their bloody, tattered appearance evoked many curious glances from the ordinary residents, but Liu Qingyuan's frosty, furrowed brow kept most of them from sneaking more than a couple glances. At the base of the small tower, they were blocked by a pair of guards who looked them up and down with distaste.

"Who are you!?"

Jiang Zhilan smiled politely, acting as if he hadn't heard that rude exclamation. "If you may, I would like to speak to your commanding officer."

"I asked who you are!" The guard shook his polearm, sneering down at the fair-skinned boy. Jiang Zhilan shook his head.

"My business is not with you. I simply would like to speak with your commanding officer."

The guard scoffed. "Do you think my commanding officer would speak to someone like you?"

"You haven't even called him yet. How would any one of us know?" The king was losing his patience. He'd hoped to handle things discreetly but the guard had not been cooperating from the start. Just as the guard stepped forward, Jiang Zhilan felt himself being pulled back. A large back came into his view as Liu Qingyuan stepped forward. With an icy expression, he merely pulled out a plaque from his robes and thrust it into the guard's face.

"Recognize this?' It was clear the guard did. Every person in this line of work had, one way or another seen the position of royal guard as an honour, even if it was a position they did not want to pursue.


"He would like to see your commanding officer." The guard fumed, but in the face of such a plaque, he couldn't refuse. He left in a huff. His partner stood nervously, eyeing them occasionally and clutching his weapon like it was a lifeline. It wasn't long before the rude guard returned, a weathered man following behind him.

The man, suited in a full, elegant set of armour, smiled politely at the ragged pair. His eyes were deep set and a small moustache rested on his upper lip. "Hello, what might you want with me?" Jiang Zhilan hurriedly stepped out from behind Liu Qingyuan.

"I would like to talk in private, if you may."

The man raised his eyebrow. "May I know your identities?" Jiang Zhilan and Liu Qingyuan exchanged a glance and the latter merely raised his arm and showed the plaque again. The officer's eyes flashed with understanding and he looked at Liu Qingyuan for a moment before sliding his gaze to the smaller figure behind him.

"Of course...this way, please."

Under the glares of the rude guard, who unfortunately also followed them, the group made their way into the tower. They passed through wooden halls until they reached a small room filled with shelves upon shelves of books and a small table in the center. The rude guard grumbled under his breath, pulling a tea set from the cupboard.

"Now," The man smiled amiably, his gaze polite. "How may I help you?"

"We...could we stay the night here?" The rude guard turned.

"You think this is a charity?"

"Be quiet!" The man snapped and the guard shut up immediately. He turned away, shaking the tea leaves into the pot with unnecessary force as a dark look crawled into his face. "Frankly, I believe that plaque is real, however..." The man did not have to voice his words. It was natural to be suspicious, especially to strangers covered in blood. Liu Qingyuan felt another pain in his chest and trembled slightly, the edges of the plaque digging into his palm.

"To tell the truth...I am the King of Qiangda, Jiang Zhilan." The man's face flickered.


"Doesn't the king have a phoenix mark? Take off your clothes and lets see first!" the guard chortled.

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