Mae's Mother's Day

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(Maes is still alive keep that in mind)

"Oh no." Roy said in his office with Falman, Havoc, Fuery and Riza. He was looking at his calendar.

"What is it Colonel?" Riza asked looking up from her paperwork.

"Look. It's May 10th. You know what that means." Roy said rolling his eyes.

"Man. Life is over for us." Jean Havoc said tapping on his Cigeratte. "Maes will be here in 3... 2... 1-"

The door swung open, Maes holding a bunch of pictures. "GUESS WHHATTT?!! Its MOTHERS DAY! TIME TO CELEBRATE THE MOTHERS, INCLUDING MY BEAUTIFUL GRACIA!!!"

Roy's hand pounded on his desk. "Maes we've had enough family rants of yours!"

But Maes ignored Roy. "Hey how bout you guys come over for Mother's Day dinner?"

"We couldn't do that... Maes." Riza said politely. But truly, like the rest of them, they REALLY didn't want to go.

"I insist! Make sure you buy presents!" Maes reached for the door. "BYEEEE!"

The door slammed shut. Everyone waited a bit, then all groaned in sync.

Roy yelled in rage. "HUGHHHESSS!"

Gracia Hughes lighted the candles on the table where everyone sat. then she say right between Maes and Elicia, their 3-year-old daughter.

Elicia kicked her feet in excitement. "Yay! Auntie and Uncle Roy and Riza are here too!"

Roy got angry. "WERE NOT MARRIED!"

Riza laughed. "I think its cute."

Maes interrupted them. "Let's see your gifts you got my wife!"

Roy sighed. "I don't see why we have to do this, were not even connected to Hughes' family." he muttered to Jean and Riza.

"Just be nice sir." Riza whispered back. Everyone passed their gifts to Gracia.

"You guys didn't have to do this!" Gracia smiled as she grabbed Fuerys present and opened it. Out of the bag was a emerald necklace. "Oh, thank you, Fuery!"

Fuery smiled cutely.

"Come on Roy, you next!" Maes annoyingly nagged.

Roy grunted. "I'll kill him." He muttered to himself.


Everyone was gone. Except for Roy. he was about to leave.

"Thanks for stopping by Roy." Gracia said holding Elicia.

"Bye uncle Mustang!" Elicia said waving.

Maes smiled. "Honey, can I speak to Roy privately?"

Gracia nodded. "Be safe, Colonel!" She said taking her daughter and herself inside.

Maes waited a while then turned back to Roy. "Thanks Roy."

Roy rolled his eyes. "Bye super-daddy." He said about to leave.


Roy turned. "What?"

"The reason I say so much about my family is I'm a solider... I just wanted Gracia and Elicia to remember me if I'm killed in action."

Roy's head turned to to ground. "Yeah... Bye Maes. Tell your wife I said Happy Mother's Day." He walked away, Leaving Maes alone in front of his home.

Fullmetal Alchemist Short Stories (One-Shots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz