CHAPTER 6 (a little TW)

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I saw Kokichi walking away. I really wanted him to stay he is so fun to be around... I wonder what bussiness he has to attend to. Well I should make myself dinner I'll be home alone all night cuz both of my parents work in a night shift tonight.

Kokichis POV 

I took a last look at the door of Y/n's house to see if she is still standing there. But she wasn't. I'm soryy Y/n for this.. But.. It's about to get dirty. When I arrived home I went to grab my backbag in the case of the emergency. And quickly rushed out of the house. I went to the club that is like 20 minutes away from me. I know Rantaro goes there alot. I just need to have a little chat with him nishihi. When I arrived at the club I saw him immidetly. He always stands out with all this girls around him. He wants all the attention of all girls. No wonder why he is interested in MY Y/n. I ordered myself a drink and went up to him. It was clear that he was drunk. This made it easier for me. 

''YOOOO Kokiiii what you doing here?'' Did he just call me Koki? Damn.. ''Nothing much I'm just bored so I decided to check this club out nishihi.'' Rantaro laughed and said ''I feel you brooo'' after that it was a bit of an akward silence. Now is the time. ''Hey Rantaro wanna check this new hotel near the club so you can take chicks there?'' Rantaro gasped. ''Bro you are a life saver. Let's go.'' I started to exit the club with Rantaro right behind me. He was that drunk he didn't even realise I didn't take him to the hotel. Instead I took him in my wooden cottage. Now the fun begins nishihihi. I gave him a drink with some sleeping pills in it. He passed out after 5 minutes. Damn those are some strong pills. I reached to my backbag and took out a knife. I checked if it was sharp and it was of course, because I sharpened it just to enjoy this momment nishihihi. 

30 minutes later

Kokichis POV 

Sigh what a mess... Lets get this shit over with. I took a garbage bag out of my backbag and put all the things in it. Then I burned all the evidence. I wonder if mister detective will be able to solve this case nishihihihi. Awh look at the time it's 3am I should go take a shower and go straight to bed. At least Rantaro won't bother my Y/n anymore.

Y/n POV 

Hmm I wonder if Shuichi will come to school today. I feelt like someone touched my shoulder. So I turned around. It was Miu. ''Girll wanna come to my place after school?'' ''Sure wanna study together?'' Miu looked at me confused and then started lauging. ''Study? Hell nah I'm smart I don't need to study. We will go shopping.'' I looked at her confused. ''Why?'' ''Kaede is having a party this weekend so we have to look for some fancy dresses.'' I just rooled my eyes and agreed. Right then Kokichi entered. He seemed tired. Awh this poor thing. He probably had to study all night or something. ''Hey Kokichi are you alright?'' Miu looked at me confused. ''Why are you talking to that lying bastard?'' I looked at her angrily. ''Hey! Don't call him a liar. Why can't you be nice for once?'' Miu rolled her eyes and went to her seat. 

Kokichis POV

Awh, what an angel she standed up for me. I gave her a warm smile. ''Hey amm Y/n.. Do you wanna go to Kaede's party together..?'' I saw that Y/n blushed a little bit. I don't know if she took it as a date or as a friend way. But I'll let her decide on her own. ''Sure'' She smiled. And I returned her a smile asweel.

I wrote 2 chapters in like 2 days I hope u dont mind I might post snother 2 this week since I have the time. I hope u enjoyed this chapter. Love you all❤️❤️

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