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nobodies POV
*Click* *click*  you could hear how the camera snapped the pictures of a girl named y/n.

Kokichis POV
She is so beautiful and nice to a fault. It's a shame that I can't bring myself to speak to her. I know I should but I am not ready yet, the timing has to be perfect! I don't wanna mess anything up.

The Next Day
Kokichis POV
Where is she? Why isn't she in class yet? Did something happen to her?? I should go check.

Right when Kokichi was about to stand up he saw her. She was beautiful as always. Kokichi smiled and sat back down. He was secretly looking at her while she was taking her stuff out to prepare for class. Then the girl named Miu came up to her. They have been friends since the first year of high school. Kokichi rolled his eyes and took his phone out and scrolled through instagram so he could distract himself. Because he didn't really like Miu, he tought she was a bitch and not the right person to be around y/n.

"Y/n where have you been I've been waiting for you for like 20 minutes." Miu rolls her eyes and continues. "Anyway I've been waiting to tell you that I Miu Rouma came up with a new device that is so amazing. I want you to test it and because I am such a good person I will let you test it for free are u in? I mean of course you are." Miu laughed. Right when y/n wanted to say something the teacher walked in. "Good morning class. We have a new student joining us today. Please welcome him into your class and show him around the school. I am sure that you all know that being in new school can be stressful so please go easy on him."  Just when the teacher finished speaking the boy came in. "Oh right on time Shuichi, please introduce yourself." The boy shyly stood infront of the whole class and quietly spoke. " I'm Shuichi Saihara. I moved here just a week ago and I hope we can get along." He smiled and walked to the seat that wasn't taken. And that was just next to y/n. When Kokichi saw him, he knew that he is a danger to him because he saw in y/n's eyes that she thought he was interesting. Kokichi knew all the faceal expression she made so far and this one was new to him.He didn't really know why he seemed interesting to her but he will have to do something about it. When Shuichi sat down y/n whispered to him. "Hi I'm y/n, if you want I can show you around during lunch?" Shuichi replied. "Yes thank you." He smiled and then they focused on the lesson.  Kokichi overheard the little conversation Y/n and Shuichi had. He was visibly upset so he started to aggresevly scrabble in his notebook. The teacher noticed that he wasn't listening so she called out to him. "Kokichi can you answer the question 36 please." Kokichi panicked a little bit so he tried to find the question. He didn't wanna make a fool out of himself, because he had some reputation that he had to keep. Kokichi didn't want y/n to judge him either. "The answer is -1 miss." Kokichi said in a calm voice. "T-thats correct. Okay lets move on to the next question"

Kokichis POV
Phew that was close. I look at Y/n's direction. She is looking at me and is she smilling? I smile back. Sigh she has a beautiful smile I'm glad I answered the question correctly.

The school bell started to ring. "Don't forget to do your homework and enjoy your lunch see you tommorow." Everybody started to pack their things. Kokichi slowly packed his things because y/n usually packed her stuff pretty slowly. While she was packing her stuff Shuichi went up to her. "H-hi again amm.. You offered me a tour of the school are you still in?" Y/n smiled kindly "Yes of course come with me." They left the classroom, they didn't even noticed that Kokichi was still there.

Kokichis POV
That prick. He is gonna take Y/n away from me that bastard. I will not let this happen. You wanna play dirty Shuichi. Fine lets play dirty.

Kokichi started to giggle. It wasn't some kind of normal giggle that you would hear when someone told you something funny. Kokichi went the same direction that Y/n and Shuichi went. He started to loose his patience, he was running around the halls like he was late for class. Nobody didn't really pay attention to him because most of the students were already in the caffeteria. And then he saw them. They were laughing infront of the english class. Kokichi went pale.

Kokichis POV
No, no, no this can't be happening. Nobody should make my y/n laugh. Only I have this right to see her smile ONLY ME. I need to stop them but how. I don't wanna introduce myself to y/n like that ugh this is so frustrating. I can't leave them alone either because God knows what will happen.
Suddenly Gonta started to pass by. Oh this is my chance. "Hey Gonta I heard that the new student really likes bugs. I think I overheard him talking about it."
" Oh really Gonta must go talk to him then. Do you know where he might be?"
"Oh he is right around the corner. I think he didn't eat yet. So you could take him to cafeteria."
"Gonta thinks thats a good idea"
Gonta started to walk towards Shuichi.
Well I mean they are talking, but will he buy it and go with Gonta? Oh wait it's working! They left. And y/n is alone. Thank god I saved her. I will have to do something about this guy and I will have to do it fast.

This is the end of the first chapter I hope you liked it. If you did please leave a comment a give me some suggestions what should I put in the story next:)

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