"I mean she's quiet but that doesn't mean that she can't like someone Minji." She doesn't like him! She told me. This is all so confusing I have no idea what's going on.

"You're right, I uh I have to go and get the girls ready for tonight I'll see you later." Before Jake could even respond I was speed walking towards the girls locker room. Unfortunately I have to pass the boys locker room that Haerin and Niki are standing in front of on the way. Should I say something? No, probably not.

"Hey." oh no.

"Hey guys what's up?" of course this has to happen. Why couldn't she just let me be on my way and they could continue whatever the hell they were doing. When I finally looked up from the floor at them Niki's arm was no longer around Haerin and she took a step closer to me.

"Are you okay? You look flushed." Haerin put the back of her hand on my forehead presumably trying to see if I have a fever. I quickly pull her hand off of me and put it back to her side.

"Yeah I'm fine, just nervous for tonight." I look at Haerin and now I feel sad. Sad that I don't have enough courage to ask her out. Sad that I'll have to see her and Niki walk hand and hand down the hallway. Sad that even if I did ask her out she would most likely reject me.

"Don't be nervous you'll kill it tonight you guys always do." I almost forgot Niki was here. I look around Haerin and give him a thumbs up and weak smile.

"Thanks good luck tonight." Niki just gives me a thumbs up in return and says his farewells and walks into the boys locker room leaving Haerin and I alone. "Are you coming tonight?" She probably isn't. I don't think I've ever seen her at a sporting event.

"Yeah. Niki invited me." Of course. I just nod a little bit trying my best not to roll my eyes. I don't understand this girl. She tells me she doesn't like him yet continues to indulge into whatever the hell is going on between them.

"Cool see you there." I can't stay here with her right now. I begin to walk away towards the locker room no longer able to be here without wanting to yell, scream, or cry.

No. I can't take this torment anymore. I can't keep living like this. I turn back around and see Haerin in her same spot staring at me. I walk back over there towards the younger girl, grab her hand and pull her into the girls bathroom across the hallway.

"Please tell me what's going on. Haerin you've told me multiple times you don't like him. Why are you doing this?" I hate how I sound right now. I sound desperate. I hate feeling this way but I can't bear to see her with him anymore. Haerin's features soften and she looks away from me playing with the hem of her sweatshirt.

"I don't know what to do." Huh? That doesn't make any sense.

"What does that even mean? It's not hard to say no to someone." I feel myself getting angrier as the time here passes. She is giving me nothing. She isn't making any sense.

"Maybe for you. There aren't exactly people lining up trying to date me Minji. You have every guy in the school after you."

"Niki is not the guy for you, trust me. " Haerin finally looks me in the eye again. Anger is behind her eyes, I've never seen her like this.

"You are being ridiculous. Is this a game for you?"

"What are you talking about?" I move closer to the shorter girl trying to grab her hand but she just yanks it away.

"You said yes to Jake." Well now she is being hypocritical.

"Honestly Haerin, why does it matter  you've been going out with Niki all this time?" I throw my hands in the air. I'm so angry right now why is she being like this?

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