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C E L A I L a C R O I X

Celai watches Julian as he frantically shakes his head, denying any claims of having to do with Demi's baby. "That's not possible, I never slept with her!" he exclaims loudly.

Celai can see the firmness in his ways and while her heart is ripping at the seams, uneasily stuttering as it beats in her chest, she believes him.

But her believing him doesn't mean the situation is blown over.

She seemed to have mentally checked out upon hearing Bernard's words but quickly, she tunes back in; she has to face the hurt instead of trying to run from it.

Bernard raises his hand to calm Julian. "We believe you. We just had to make sure."

Julian crosses his arms, obviously deeply offended. He looks as if he has something on the tip of his tongue, ready to fire back with anger and impulsivity, but he instead exhales hard before turning around and leaving the church without a word.

Celai doesn't hold it against him. She decides it's time for her to move as well, since neither of them had moved spots since they walked into the church. Her eyes scan for where she left her sketchbook and she tries not to drag her feet as she makes her way to the chair she left it on.

She silently prays to God, asking for His vision of the church to come back to her quickly. Because more than ever, and rightfully so, she does not want to be where she is: sitting behind Bernard and Camille as they discuss her boyfriend being the father of their daughter's baby.

After a moment of quiet murmurs, the couple silently agrees on something and split ways, Bernard going back to his office and Camille staying behind with Celai. She makes eye contact with her and Camille smiles somberly. Celai tries not to show any emotion as she sits beside her.

"I'm so sorry for the both of us," Camille says quietly. "If we knew you two were together, we would've pulled him aside." She touches her shoulder and Celai wants to pull away but stops herself. "Woman to woman, I know exactly how it feels to hear that."

Though she doesn't want to, Celai forces a smile and says, "It's okay. You didn't know," she shrugs. She can't hold them accountable for believing their child over someone not a part of their family. "And it's not like Julian is Demi's baby's father, so I guess that makes things better," she adds, more or less, for herself to hear and believe.

Camille seems to mentally sigh in relief. "I'm glad you understand. I'll leave you to finish your sketch," she says as she stands up. "Don't forget to come find me after you finish that."

Celai nods and Camille leaves, leaving Celai to rely on God— and only Him— to not allow this situation to affect her.


"Father God, I thank You for removing me from the conversation. You know the thoughts that were present in my mind, but You are teaching me patience and to hold my tongue, and I'm thankful for the progress You have blessed me with so far— I pray it can continue to increase. I also pray, Lord Jesus, that You help me. I feel in my heart that this is a test, and I recall what You told me through Mama Ruth: to go to You before anyone else, and that is what I'm doing. Lord, I don't trust myself to speak, so I ask that You calm me and speak through me with wisdom and forgiveness."

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