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C E L A I L a C R O I X

Celai hums along to Lauryn Hill's Tell Him as she tries not to panic since she now has only an hour and a half to finish getting ready for her and Julian's date. She has her dress ready, but that's about it; she's halfway through her hair, but she hasn't touched her makeup. At this point, she's thinking about going barefaced.

"God, please work supernaturally to help me finish my hair and makeup," she whispers. "Just in general, allow this date to go well. Provide me with Your strength to fight off the temptation that the devil likes to throw on me when I am with Your son, and help everything go smoothly. I trust that this is Your way of giving us a break from everything, and I pray You deliver, which I know You will. Thank You and in Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

A knock on her open bathroom door makes Celai turn her head. She smiles at Kassima. "Did you like my prayer?" she asks to prevent her feeling of embarrassment.

"I did," Kassima nods. Her eyes tick to her hair. "Oh, your hair looks nice. It always looks so good when you straighten it."

"I'm not done. I still have to put it in a half up-half down style and add some curls," she tells her.

Kassima purses her lips and hums. "That'll be nice." She shifts her weight on one leg. "Have you thought to do that swoop bang thing all the girls seem to be doing? I think it'd look nice with that style."

Celai analyzes her hair in the mirror. "I didn't even think of that, but that would look so much better." She looks at Kassima. "Thanks."

Kassima nods and stays in the door threshold, holding a conversation with her daughter. And surprisingly, their talking helps Celai get through her hair and get started on her makeup quicker than she thought.

Celai's nearly done with her makeup, and with thirty minutes to spare, when Kassima asks, "How do you feel knowing you could possibly become the First Lady at church?"

Celai's face runs hot and an involuntary smile takes form on her lips. "I never thought of that," she says lowly. She clears her throat. "And I don't want to start because after seeing Bernard and Camille earlier this week, I don't think Julian and I are mentally prepared."

She refuses to go into any more detail. Not because of who she's talking to, but because God already dealt with the situation and there is no reason to bring it up again.

Celai quickly changes the subject, realizing her talking about Julian had put a stop to getting her makeup done. She brushes off her setting powder. "How was your date with Brian?" she asks Kassima.

Kassima begins to gush over her date with Brian that they had yesterday and while Celai attentively listens, she can't help but think how much closer she and Kassima have gotten so quickly. Though she can say they were close before their big argument, she feels as if their relationship has now touched new territory. In a way, she feels she's just talking to one of her friends and she isn't completely sure if she's ever felt like that with Kassima before.

As Celai finishes her makeup by putting on lashes, Kassima finishes her recap of last night. "I'm glad you two had fun," Celai says. She secures her lash and looks at her mother. "Maybe you and I could go to that restaurant one day since you liked the food so much," she smiles.

Kassima's eyes light up and she eagerly nods. "Yeah, definitely," she agrees.

Celai chuckles. "Okay. Now I've gotta kick you out because I have to change."

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