Part 9

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I ran until I couldn't anymore. I didn't know where I was going. As I ran, all the memories from the mansion kept replaying in my head.

I never saw Jungkook eat or rest. He was terrified at the idea of going out. All of his room had thick curtains and they blocked the sunlight. His red eyes, his wild expression, the blood in his mouth...

I eventually lost consciousness and fell down on the ground. When I woke up again I was back at the mansion. I was lying on my bed while Jungkook sat at the very corner, looking at me.

I sat up quickly. His face was back to normal again. But I still couldn't shake off the fear.

"Welcome back, love." he said. "Are you okay?"

I didn't answer. I looked out of the window where the curtains were drawn back. The moon was huge tonight.

Jungkook's voice sounded very serious when he said, "You don't have to be scared. The wolves won't bother you anymore."

I slowly nodded. I didn't know whom I was more scared of, the wolves or my savior himself.

"Your car had been repaired." He announced.

Then, he did something quite unexpected. He came to sit closer to me and took both of my hands in his. He looked me in the eyes and said, "You are free to go, love."

"What have you done to me?" I was in tears.

"I know I have hurt you." He whispered, "But trust me, I did it because I had no other choice."

I started to sob. In between all of this mess, there was a kind of comfort I thought I had found. But my hope of an eternity together with this stranger I started to care about, was hanging by a thread.

"I'm so sorry that at some point, I started to care for you. It could have ended easily if I didn't." he said. I looked at his eyes. They were full of sorrow and regret.

"What are you?" I asked finally.

"I think you already know that, love."


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