Unveiling Rhapsody

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16:00, Saturday
Bismarck's office

Inside the office were five people. Bismarck is on her desk, Otto standing up, The Commander sitting on a chair to the left of the room, Gneisenau beside The Commander, and Lindemann sitting at an angle left of Bismarck. As of now, they all were waiting for one more person so that the meeting can be adjourned.

A few minutes pass and footsteps are finally heard across the hallway. As the steps get louder and clearer, it stops right in front of the office. Soon, the doors open to reveal one of the secretaries, Admiral Graf Spee. As she walks in, she takes a look around, assessing the situation, perhaps. After she's sufficiently analysed the room, she goes to sit down on the couch to the right of Bismarck's view.

Now, the true meeting starts.

"So, who are you really, 'Lindemann'?" was the words spoken by The Commander in a rather interrogating tone. Lindemann raised a brow, "What do you mean, 'commander'?" he said in a sarcastic tone. "Alright, I suppose I'll introduce myself first." The Commander said. "My name is Mateo R. Carter, Admiral of the  Iron blood legion." Carter said, "Now your turn.". Lindemann then stood up and spoke "Hmph. My name is Otto Ernst Lindemann, Commander of the Bismarck.", he then stretched out his arm for a shake. Carter extended his arm and returned the shake.

"Well as you know, this meeting isn't just a meet and greet." Carter said, "We're going to have to discuss some things.". As he said that, Admiral Graf Spee takes out a manila folder, and so does Gneisenau. Both folders were placed on Bismarck's desk. Picking one of them up, Bismarck opens one of the folders and reads the content of the papers inside, "8.7 Magnitude earthquake in the Miso area in the East Sakura Sea. Sightings of strange individuals are reported..." she takes the other page, "All ships are to gather and be ready to sortie at the Tokyo Military Dock.". She arranges the papers and looks at the commander, "So, we're going to the Sakura Empire?" Bismarck asked, to which she received a nod. After a deafening silence, Carter said, "Well then, I know this is sudden, however I expect you all to be ready to head there in 3 days.". And so he leaves the room, Gneisenau by his side. Spee decides to stick around.

"Hello there, who is this?" Spee said, gesturing towards Lindemann. "Well, that's my good friend, Lindemann. He's my Commander."

Soon after the awkward introduction, they started to prepare for departure. The Lindemann bringing nothing but a black tie outfit. The Bismarck packing her essentials, outfits, and folders with her. And finally the Latter who found whatever things he gathered up, thrown in a bag, which mostly consisted of alcohol drinks. After such was prepared, Bismarck, Otto, and Lindemann met up once more and strolled towards a restaurant for supper. On the way, a few people joined the group. Those being Prinz Eugen, Admiral Graf Spee, and Bismarck's looming hole in her wallet. As soon as they arrived, the waitress at the front lead them to their reserved table.

18:00, Saturday
Premium Stake Hold restaurant.

As they sat down, waiters came to the table and brought to them their menu. As each of them received their menu, each had varying expressions. Spee looked astonished because of all of the wealthy looking food. Bismarck had a neutral expression as if she were ordering from a fast food chain. Prinz Eugen and Lindemann looked satisfied with the menu presented as they were versed with the wealthy life. After ordering, they gave the menus to the waiters and patiently waited. They waited, and waited they did, not for long though, as the dishes arrived shortly after the last phrase.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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