Chapter 1- The Rise of the Leader

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I still can't believe what just happened.
Now that I'm breathing my last breaths I'm thinking about every good thing that ever happened to me.

Nimue, the only person who understood me somehow, even though I was so different, was killed right before my eyes. I know I made a stupid decision in anger to attack that Necromancer but what can I even do, I always had an unnatural anger issue. If it hadn't been for her, I would've become some crazy, always angry, slaughtering and murdering Alpha who could kill anyone who would piss him off.

Even though, Nimue was literally ancient, as she has been guarding the lake ever since the Leader of the Madmen was imprisoned there, she was like an elder sister to me. Though I used to find it really funny sometimes, because even though she was a guardian, she always nagged like an older sibling. To see her die, literally made me lose my mind and I failed to even think about the repercussions.

Had I not been so blinded by pure rage, I wouldn't have been so easily captured by the Necromancer. But as if that wasn't the worst, my mate had to endure torture, all because of me! How could I be so stupid. I promised her that I would take care of her but I was the reason for her agony.

My mate. My beautiful strong mate. Who would've thought that the Goddess Luna would bless me so abundantly to give me such an amazing mate. I remember searching for her for almost a decade, upto to the point of losing hope that she even exists. If only I knew that I was searching the wrong place, I could've met her much sooner.

It's still shocking for me to believe that she is Captain Alex. The super famous and feared Captain Alex. The one I always looked up to as the most just and my true competitor and the one I always wanted to meet. However, when I still think about it, it is still hard for me to truly believe that my beautiful, loving and gentle looking mate is the very same ruthless Captain Alex, who's like a literal legend in the surface world. I still remember the look on Ryan's face when I had first told him that Andrea is Captain Alex. He was unable to believe it at all and I'm pretty sure he didn't believe as well, i.e. until the first blood moon eclipse. That is when everyone saw her in action.

I also know that she had noticed it and probably realized it from a very long time that I was different from the normal wolves. Somehow more insanely stronger but despite everything she accepted me with open arms. Infact if anything, she was actually proud and happy to know her mate was so strong. I still remember her words, "You're the perfect mate I could've ever asked for. We're both different, you know".
I'm so grateful to the Moon Goddess for giving me such a loving and perfect mate.

And that same mate was being tortured by the Pyromancers. I knew that she could easily kill them if only she would attack them back, but she didn't, just because of me. I could see her in pain but there wasn't anything I could do but when that other Necromancer, whom they referred to as Anubis, started hitting her, even though she didn't scream out loud, my wolf and I were able to feel her pain. That's when Xavier howled and took over, breaking us out of the first Necromancer's hold and ran to save my girl.

I would've slaughtered them if it hadn't been for that same Necromancer again. Who used his dark magic to freeze me and bring me before him. I heard my mate's screams, I turned to look at her, to tell her to stay there and heal herself first but before I could do anything, I felt a force tear out a part of me. The only thing I felt after that was like a something tore off a huge part of me and the searing pain and blood gushing out on my hand. When I looked down, I had a hole in my between my chest and stomach.

All I remember next is hearing my beautiful mate screaming in pain. How funny was it, that she didn't even grimace when she was tortured but she screamed in agony seeing me like this instead. I saw her teleport right in front of me but by then my legs had given away and I was falling backwards. I raised my hand forward as she tried to hold it but I missed the chance to be held by her one last time.

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