Chapter X - Clouds On The Horizon

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After Hexside, we all went into hiding. Classes were canceled and everyone went home. Me and Hunter crashed at Gus's. He made up some exuse with his dad, who already I knew wasn't rhe biggest fan of the Emperor after the attempted petrification of The Owl Lady. We slept in the spare room, switching between the bed and sleeping bag on the floor each night. Willow came to visit and spent most of the days with us.

The second day we were there, the night before the Day of Unity, we got a text from Darius over Penstagram.

"Should we be worried?" I asked Hunter, looking up from my scroll.

"I don't know." He said.

We both checked our text. They read the same thing. I know Belos is evil. I'm part of a stupid rebellion called the Covens Against the Throne. The human Luz is going on a rescue mission for her girlfriend. Can you watch her?

"What the ever loving hell?" I asked.

"The Covens Against the Throne." Hunter repeated. "Weird."

"Do you belive him?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I mean, he hasn't handed us over to Belos so... I guess."

"We should tell the others." I said, standing.

Hunter nodded. We headed into Gus's room and showed him the messages. We explained a few things about us and Darius. He called Willow and we explained to her aswell. They both agreed to come with us. We texted Darius we'd do it.

He sent us a time and location and we flew there the next day. He also sent us who was in the Covens Against the Throne, AKA the CATs: him, Raine Whispers, Eberwolf, Head of the Beast Keeping Coven, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Steve, Luz, and a few others I didn't know.

We were meeting Luz in the woods around Blight Manor. We waited about ten minutes before Luz and King were dropped off and told about the escort.

"I don't need a security escort!" Luz yelled.

"Did you hear that, Gus?" Willow said from behind Luz.

"Yeah, no. I guess we'll have to go home." He waved to Luz, now looking at the. "Well, it's been fun. See you around, Luz the human."

Luz laughed and ran over to them. The three hugged.

"Of course I want you around. I'm so happy." Luz said. The hug broke apart. "And confused. I thought you were all hiding after what happened at Hexside."

"We were." I shrugged and smiled. "But we had to come out for your annoying ass."

"And when they heard Darius ordered us to protect you, they insisted on coming along." Hunter added. We walked over to them.

"More like he begged us to come because he's terrified of getting recognised." Gus said.

"Hunter, are you really up for this?" Luz asked seriously. "You must be dealing with a lot after learning-"

"That Belos os evil?" He yelled. He laughed nervously. "Don't worry, I'm a-okay!"

Him and Gus did their secret handshake type thing they'd come up with.

"As you can see, he is not remotely okay." I said, patting Hunter's shoulder. "But who is these days? I'm not! So it's fiiiiiine."

"What the?" Luz asked.

Willow put a hand on her shoulder. "This is what happens when you go missing for a week."

Me, Gus and Willow started coming up with a plan while Hunter and Luz had a weird private discussion.

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