Chapter IV - Belos's Rage

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For the second time that week, I went to one knee before the Emperor's throne.

"You asked to see me, Emperor Belos?"

He was looking down at me, the eyes of his mask like black holes bearing into my soul. I tried to meet his gaze and shivered, looking down at the stone floor again.

"Do you know what your job is, Y/n?" He asked.

"I am a scout. I go on missions and carry out tasks given by my superiors. And... I am the Golden Gaurd's escort."

"And as his escort, what are you to do?"

"Watch him. Protect him. Keep him out of trouble."

"And so yesterday, why is it you allowed him to go to Eclipse Lake?"

I swallowed. "Emperor-"

"Look at me, Y/n."

I looked up at Belos. He had walked down the steps, without me even noticing. Knelt before him, I felt indescribably small.

"Remove your mask."

With a shaking hand, I took my mask off and lay it on the ground beside me.

"Emperor, I understand I should have stopped him. In future, I will do better. I'm sorry."

"Yes." He said, slowly removing his mask. "You will be."

"Emperor?" Slowly, I started to stand. "What are you doing?"

The Emperor had an oddly kind face when you first saw it. Long fadded brown hair, blue eyes and a strange green mark that went across his face. Though green marks were far from the strangest things that could be found on Boiling Isles residents. It started just above his left eye and trailed down his neck.

Emperor Belos was almost always wearing his golden mask. And when be wasn't, he was smiling, ever so slightly. I was why now. Without that smile, he was terrifing.

His body shifted. He dropped his mask and it cluttered to the floor. Wordlessly, his shoulders started to hunch and he grew taller.

I stepped back, crouched slightly in fear. "Emperor?"

The mark on his face started to grow, spreading and covering his whole face. It swallowed his cloak and clothes and I saw his whole body was made of whatever the green substance was. His hair turned thin and white. His eyes went black and his pupils glowed blue. Across his body, more glowing blue eyes appeared.

I went to say something, I don't know what, but Belos was faster. He screamed an inhuman scream and ran at me. I yelled, turned, and ran for the door. Belos was faster though. His huge, slimy green hand wrapped around my waist and suddenly I was flying through the air. I hit the wall and slid down, landing in a heap on the floor. I pushed myself up and looked around. Belos was already running at me again.

My breathing was ragged and every step hurt more the last. Ignoring the pain everywhere in my body, I scrambled to my feet and ran. Belos threw himself at the where I had just been. I dived to the side to avoid him and rolled, ending up in the middle of the room. I stood and turned to face him.

"Emperor Belos!" I yelled, trying to bring him to his senses.

He turned and screeched, jumping at me again. I ran towards his throne. The whole room shook as he landed and I stumbled slightly. I scrambled up the stairs and hid behind his throne, peering out from behind it.

Belos was already on me again. He swiped his hand down on me and grazing the top of my head as I ran away. My head swam and vision blurred slightly. I felt something clash against my back and sent me flying through the air again.

He was toying with me, I realised. It was like a sick game of cat and mouse.

I rolled across the floor, yelping and yelling as I felt multiple bones brake and bruise.

I tasted blood. I could feel it dripping down the side of my head. Belos was still by his throne, hunched over and watching me with his glowing blue eyes. Slowly and shakily, I started to stand.

I lifted my hand and started to cast a spell. Belos lunched at me, bringing his clawed hand down on my arm. I screamed as he cut me, starting at my wrist and dragging down over my hand. I stepped back, my legs went out from beneath me. I pushed myself weakly away as he got onto all fours and stood over me. He lowered his face close to mine, opening his mouth slightly. I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side, screaming. Belos screeched back, so loud it made my ears hurt.

Then it suddenly stopped. Slowly, I opened my eyes. The monster was gone. Instead, Belos was back to normal, walking away calmly.

"Fail your duties with Hunter again and your next punishment will make this look like nothing." He said calmly. He crouched and picked up his mask. He looked at me out the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, and if you breath a word of what happened today to anyone, I'll kill you."

He put his mask on and turned his back to me. "Leave."

Breathing hard, I scrambled to my feet and ran behind him. I grabbed my spear and mask and ran out.

I slammed the door behind me and leant against it, breathing hard. I put my mask on and started walking.

After a moment or two I heard the dripping. I looked down at my hand. I switched my spear into the other and lifted my injured one to my face. A steady stream of blood was flowing from each of the cuts Belos made, down my fingers onto the floor.

My hand was shaking, a lot, but I didn't feel a thing. In my hand, any where, it was all numb. Prehaps it was adrenaline, or maybe I was in shock. I kept walking.

I passed the library again. I knew Hunter was waiting for me to come back, I wanted to as well. But I couldn't. Belos said as much. My hand was covered in blood, my glove hanging on my a thread and drenched in it. I'm sure the rest of me wasn't much better. The blood from my forehead had dried under my mask. And my mouth had effectively filled with blood. I opened it slightly and it dribbled down my chin, spilling onto my grey uniform.

I put my hand under my chin, just below my mask, and caught the blood in my palm. Panic started to set in. People were gonna see, they were gonna ask. I couldn't think of a lie, not in this state, I'd be caught. Belos would kill me.

Closing my mouth tight, I ran past the library and into the barracks.

Inside was empty. Good. The barracks were made of three rooms. The biggest one was filled with rows apon rows of bunk beds. The second was on the left side, a just as big changing room and bathroom. And the third was on the right, a medical room.

I went there, it was also empty. I grabbed some bandages and cloth. I filled a bowl with water and sat down on one of the beds.

I took of my glove and covered my cuts with the cloth. The bleeding was already slowing, and after a minute it had stopped. I cleaned the wounds and decided they needed stitches. I grabbed a needle and thread and closed up he long cuts. I knew my hand would be all but useless for a couple of days and cursed.

I took my mask off and walked over to a sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror above. Blood had covered almost the entire left side of my face, starting at my left forehead. I had a black eye and a broken lip, but that didn't explain all the blood in my mouth, which I spat out into the sink. Internal bleeding, I realised. And cursed. I washed my face and bandaged my forehead, trying to hide it with my hair.

I downed a healing potion for good luck and left the healing room. I ditched my old glove and grabbed a new one from the lost and found in the changing room. I put my blood stained shirt in the wash basket in the corner and changed into pajamas. I climbed into my bunk and slept, dreaming I was back with Belos in the throne room.

《- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -》

I feel like that was really shit. And short. But oh well, what can ya do?

So Y/n got traumatised. Yaaayy! That'll be important later.

So anyway enjoy the new chapter :)

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