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(Jungkook's pov)
Present time

"Will I be able to face him" This question was running in Jungkook's head all the time, since this morning or you can say from that time when Jimin started to ignore him.

He was head to his class as his eyes landed on the person who was the person he had seen in those dreams, he made while being concious.

He wanted to approach him but it seem like the other didn't.

He passed by his side, heading to his locker.

Jungkook was standing there, helpless because afterall he wasn't able to do anything ,it was all his mistake afterall but the idea of losing his Jimin, he loved more than anyone in the world, who he adored more than even his parent, the idea of losing him was eating him alive. The idea to quit seem easier he thought, maybe it will be a lot easier than living without the love of his life.

He made his way to the petite boy thinking maybe, maybe he will apologize this time, he went to the boy tapping on his shoulder but when the boy turned, his all courage was lost, guilt was spread all over his face, tears suddenly formed in his eyes, his hands suddenly started to shiver, he wanted to vomit at the time, he wasn't actually ready to face the boy but not being able to hold him ever again this thought was not acceptable for him as well. "Jungkook if you want to apologize again then please give yourself a break because your sorry is not gonna change anything between us, we are not meant to be together, atleast for myself, I think I have already cleared myself that I don't want to talk to hear your apologies anymore" said Jimin, it made Jungkook's heart ache, "Jimin, please just listen to me everything that happened, I wasn't planning to do that, it just happened, it didn't meant anything , the only person I love in this world is you Jimin" Jungkook said, tears sliding from his flawless cheeks as Jimin said "Jungkook maybe even if I believe it was all mistake but Jungkook you should understand that some mistakes are not supposed to be forgiven and your mistake is one of them" Jimin said coldly without showing any emotion except hatred and anger, Jungkook stood there and stared, his head reminded him how he messed up everything, everything was perfect in his life, everything was going smooth, how they planned to graduate and live their life together till death apart them but he had to ruin everything, ruin all of his dreams by hurting the other one, how could he hurt this angel, how could he loose a gem like him just how.

Jimin made his way to the class leaving Jungkook behind.

Jungkook wiped his tears and followed Jimin and gave him a voice calling his name but Jimin wasn't listening so he ran and held his hand, Jimin shake his hands off from Jungkook and scowled at him.



✿°IT STARTED WITH ME°✿حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن