The trial

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Hanako pov: 

today was the day Teru Minamoto is to be put on trial and is most likely to be executed at Midnight. It was already 11:50 at night. And the wonders barely had regained their strength from rebuilding the old middle school division building in a few hours after the fire. The secret room was rebuilt, and the building looked as if nothing ever happened. School continued as normal. Although many were confused of how. Nene's classmates asked her. But she said it was to remain secret. Nene had to also tell her parents she couldn't come home till morning. Telling them she didn't have a choice and it was part of her job to be there. They came to understand thankfully. They asked if we wanted them to watch Hana. But she declined. Hana and Chouko had been put to sleep for the night. Both in their own cribs, soundly asleep. It was about time. 

I had checked up on the kid. He was crying on the stairway with No.3. I felt extremely sorry for him. I walk towards them. It was 5 minutes till trial. I put my hands on his shoulder then hugged him.

Hanako: hey kid

Kou: hey Hanako

Hanako: I'm sorry 

He cried and hugged me tighter then let go. I sighed. 

Hanako: Mistuba. 3 minutes till trial. Take him with you. 

Mistuba: sure

I head to my spot on the bench. Everyone of the wonders on their own stand along with Kou. 2 Guards Shijima had created walked in with Teru Minamoto's hands chained. They sat him down and stood back. I took a deep breath. 

And the midnight bell rung. They room became illuminated. The moon shining above the sky. 

Hanako: We are here this night to decide the punishment of justice for Minamoto Teru. For the crimes he's committed against The 8 Wonder of Kamome Academy. 

Hanako: Minamoto do you plead 

Teru: ....Guilty....

Hanako: Minamoto Teru, how do you plead to burning down the old middle school of Kamome academy. 

Teru: Guilty....

Hanako: Were your intentions to kill the living students

Teru: No

Hanako: Were your intentions to kill the wonders 

Teru: yes

Hanako: did you also intend...

I felt my blood boil "To kill my daughter and Chouko" I spat venomously. And this bastard dared smirk. 

Teru: yes

Hanako: You not only went against your own clan's rules. But also committed multiple crimes within the spirit world. Do you have any idea what is to come. 

Teru: no

Time passed as I read more charges and were put in order. Some of the other wonders didn't even know about some charges. And were shocked at the knowledge. 

Hanako: Minamoto Teru you have pleaded guilty to your crimes that were committed on XX/XX/XXXX and to the other charges against you. Your sentence is a death sentence. 

His face drained. Kou looked away. 

Hanako: Haku-johdai!

Haku-johdai have him tied to the ceiling. I wish not to describe just what occurred next. But it was not a pretty sight. Kou had been taken out of there before the execution begun. And each wonder gave their punishment.

On XX/XX/XXXX at 1:45am, Teru Minamoto's trial concluded and had perished. 

Nene and I went to comfort Kou along with Mistuba. The next day we went to the seishin district to have dinner together with Kou's little sister. He hadn't told her yet. He said he didn't plan to until the time was right. Which is understandable. How do you exactly tell a little girl her older brother and idol is dead by an execution of his own doings. And what those doings were. 

After a week Kou seemed to actually cheer up. 

And I hope Kou doesn't fall into despair for something that was never his fault. 

Author- Hey guys!! Feliz dia de los muertos hoy y manana. I will continue to update the story. Although there's only a few chapters left. 

Thank you so much to my friend DaikonOtaku for all the support. 

I hope you all had a good Halloween. And prayers for your loved ones who we can soon enough join them. 

TBHK FanfictionThe Daughter of Lord No.7 and No.8 (sequel to "The Talk")Where stories live. Discover now