Going Too Far

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Nene pov: 

I was on my 4th month of pregnancy and just chilling with Hanako in the girl's bathroom. I was worried about Kou though. Mistuba said Kou had sprained his ankle on the stairs. Amane tried to hide his worry about Kou but I could see it in his eyes he cares for him. 

My stomach has a little bump showing our baby is still growing. And I'm hoping the baby will be born before my passing. The chance of them being a supernatural is inevitable. I'm already a half apparition and Amane already is one. I honestly wonder whether they'll inherit my powers or Hanako's. I look at the time on my phone and sigh.

Nene: I'm sorry but I gotta go Ama

Hanako: but why?

Nene: My parents will worry and I still have homework

He obviously wasn't happy I was leaving

Hanako: If you must....but come here in the early morning

Nene: why early

Hanako: I have business to attend to tomorrow from your 1st-4th classes

Nene: What kind

Hanako: The usual apparition negotiation, Not only that, but we'll have a meeting after school too.

Nene: I'll be there

Hanako: The clock keeper Mirai saw something in a future vision and she was crying. She said she'd explain today. You know Mirai never speaks correctly or serious unless it's something severe

I knew Mirai didn't have those unless it was something that was gonna affect the school wonder extremely. 

Nene: got it, now I must go 

I kiss him on the lips and go.

Time skip brought to you by the adorable goofball I now have in my life

I woke early to be able to get ready at meet up with Hanako in his boundary. I was able to stomach breakfast too, so that's good. The morning sickness is something I hated during my pregnancy, but if it was for my little one it's worth it. I teleported secretly to the pond in the school and went off to the bathroom. Amane was waiting on the windowsill and we had spent about an hour together before I had to get to class. 

Once I arrived I greeted Aoi and Akane, then sat in my seat. The teacher came in and gave us the lecture and it went by as usual.....until 4th period. 

I was in the girl's locker room changing into my gym clothes, none of the others girls have not notice my bump which was actually good. If any of them except Aoi knew, the news and rumors would spread like wild fire. I finish changing and entered the gym.

Coach: today we're gonna be doing the mile runs today. 

I felt my face pale. 

Coach: your running technique can affect your credentials. First up we got .......

Time went on, and more and more kids lined up to run. Then the last group was called. And I was in that group. I had already stretched and I lined up to run. Akane was keeping an eye on me as he promised to do so when Hanako couldn't. 

Coach: ready.......GO!!!

I start to run around the track. I use a bit of my powers to keep my stamina up, but it still wasn't enough. Around the 10th lap I was in last place. 


I'm a Yugi now.....but alas no one outside of apparitions can know that. 

TBHK FanfictionThe Daughter of Lord No.7 and No.8 (sequel to "The Talk")Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat