Sick with odd symptoms

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Nene pov:

It all started on a Monday morning when I first woke up. The moment I was conscious I immediately had the urge to throw up, so I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. It took about 10 minutes to stop throwing up last night's dinner. I brushed it off and got ready for school. I had come down for breakfast, but it made my stomach turn so I left without it. 

I went to the third floor of the old building to say good morning to my husband (eeeeeeee). We had tied the knot 2 months ago and now fully bound to each other. My curse got healed thank god, but a part of it became my power as number 8. Scales could appear at will over my body as a defense or I could shaped them into something as offense. I could also control water. I still shed scales though. I finally open the door of Amane's boundary and see him resting on the windowsill. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss. That had got him to wake up. Sadly, he's a light sleeper. 

Nene: Sorry I woke you up

Hanako: It's ok princess. So how'd you sleep

Nene: Fine I guess

Hanako: You guess?

I didn't want to worry him. He already has enough to worry about and will get overconcerned. 

Nene: yea

The warning bell rang and I knew I had to get to class. I couldn't fall back on my grades. 

Nene: Bye Ama

Hanako: Bye Ne

I had made it to class on time. Even though I hadn't actually ran I felt slightly out of breath. What is up with me today? The teacher walked in and all conversations came to a halt. He gave us the lesson and we worked on it. But after 45 minutes I really had to use the restroom. I asked and he let me go. I return to class and still thought nothing of it. The day went by as usual. Amane had came into my classroom midday to check up on me. He seemed to begin to notice my out of place behavior. I went to the girl's bathroom on the third floor to be with Amane. We talked, cuddled, and as per usual make out a little and went back to cuddling. His love language was physical affection and a majority of mine as well. I always find his affection super sweet. He knows where to draw the line. Even though I end up going home, I can easily teleport from my room to my pond in the school in a snap and back. I use it as I way I can still be with Amane through the night and cuddle. 

Tuesday arrived and the same thing as Monday occured. Then the same on Wednesday. 

On Wednesday I had end up bolting out of class to the nearest bathroom to puke. Hanako had been with me during that class (messing around and being hanako) and followed right after me worried. Haku-johdai swirled around me taking me to the third floor girl's bathroom instantly. The stall door swung open and I emptied my guts. I had felt Hanako's hand rubbing soothing circles on my back and the other hand holding my hair back. He kneeled by me the entire time through it. God remind me what I did to deserve this man. Once I had stopped, Amane told me to sit there for a sec. He rushed to get a water bottle in less than 2 minutes with the help of haku-jodai and handed it to me. He had a wash cloth and wet it at the sinks and put it over the back of my neck and had another wiping my forehead. His face was calm but his eyes were anything but. I could see the worry and fear in those golden honey eyes. Hanako demanded they see tsuchigomori immediately. I had told him that it's probably a stomach bug and it would disappear soon enough. He seemed unsure but agreed knowing I'm stubborn and arguing wasn't gonna help. Aoi then had came in and said the teacher had sent her to look for me. I had apparently been gone for more than 20 minutes. I was still in Hanako's arms and it seemed like he wasn't about to let go. Aoi saw this and smirked amusingly. I got back to class and apologized.  

Next Monday came and not much progress was made. It had only gotten worse and so had Amane's worries. And then during the end of the day, it was the last straw for Hanako before he carried me to see Tsuchigomori. 

Author- I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK. AND ARE YALL EXCITED FOR THE NEW MANGA CHAPTER?! CUZ I AM! Anyways yea this is part one of this new story. 

And a big thanks to my supporters WanderingWanda123 CanIEatYouPlss Tbhkfanclub and CherryCxkes9 

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